The beginning of the end

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(Season 1 Episode 1)
(3 weeks after project "Wildfire")

Claire: It's hasn't even been 6 months since everything went to hell and feels like it's been an eternity... My name is Claire... I was in New York when the declared project called wildfire was launched...

Matt: Project Wildfire?

Claire: Basically it's scorched earth that's all it is...

Matt: How old are you Claire?

Claire: 16...

Matt: And that little boy?

Claire: That's my brother Leo, he's only 9

Matt: Where are your parents Claire?

Claire: Dead...But before my parents died they told me I was going to beat this world

Matt: How's that going?

Claire: ~Tear rolls down~ Horribly

Matt: What makes you say that?

Claire: Everyone we come into contact with dies or leaves us

Matt: I see

Claire: I just want to protect my brother and it's getting harder and harder each and everyday

Matt: I bet

Claire: What about you? How is this whole survival thing going for you?

Matt: Could be better I'll admit but we have people and we are working towards something good

Claire: Any room for us?

Matt: Now that's not my call

Claire: Then who's is it

Matt: I'll bring him in just hang tight

Claire: Thank you

~Door opens and closes~

Claire: ~Wipes tears away~ ~Clinches onto her necklace~

~Door opens and closes again~

Brad: You're Claire right?

Claire: Yes

Brad: Hi, I'm brad it's nice to meet you

Claire: You run this place?

Brad: I do, yes

Claire: What do you call this place?

Brad: We call it Wiltshire

Claire: Wiltshire?

Brad: Before it was an exclusive gated community that only the richest people could it's ours

Claire: No one was here?

Brad: Not that we know of

Claire: Can you take me and my brother in?

Brad: Of course

Claire: Really!

Brad: What do you think I was going to turn you guys away? You are only kids in a drastically changing world...I can't imagine what it must be like for you

Claire: ...

Brad: Your brother is already out playing with the other children would you like a tour of the place?

Claire: I'd like that

Brad: Follow me then

~Brad escorts Claire out of the room~

Matt: Welcome aboard Claire

Claire: Thank you

Matt: Don't mention it

Brad: You ready?

Claire: Yes

~Brad pushes the outside doors open~

~End of the episode~

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