Killer within

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(Season 9 Episode 5)

Main Cast:
Brad, Ethan, Andrew, Claire, Jesse, Matt, Connor, Zoey, Ashlyn and Leo

Side Cast:
Laura, Rose, James, Clark, Mordecai, Rachel, Sam, Terzo, Dean, Carter and Andy

>Flashback to episode "it ends here" Season 8 Episode 1<

Tyler: No it doesn't... (coughs up blood) Don't kill everyone for me...or for Peyton or for Theo or for Wesley or for Finn...we wouldn't want that....Just do what you need to and move forward...

Brad: Okay...I will...I promise

>End of the Flashback<

Scavenger: We will kill you

Scavenger: How many of you are there!

Brad: It's just me

Scavenger: Bullshit

>2 people have brad at gun point<
>1 is in front and 1 is behind while the others are searching the store<

Scavenger: I can tell when someone is lying to me boy

Brad: I'm not lying

Scavenger: Bullshit

Brad: You don't have to do this

Scavenger: We know but to survive we have to

Brad: I can show you a better way

Scavenger: (laughs)

Brad: It's true I am from a community I could take you back there

Scavenger: Bullshit if you were apart of a community then what are you doing out here

Brad: It sounds crazy but I blew up a bridge filled with walkers and fell into a river and woke up near here

Scavenger: Now you are really lying to us

Scavenger: The hell!

Madi: Shit!

Brad: Well I tried

>Pistol clicks<
>Brad quickly turns around to the guy behind him<
>The scavenger shoots the ceiling<

Scavenger: Holy shit.

>Brad picks up an old can off the shelve<

Scavenger: Wait I give! I give!


Brad: (filled with rage)

Scavenger: Ple...please!

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