What remains

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(Season 10 Episode 6)

Main Cast:
Brad, Ethan, Jesse, Connor, Zoey, Ashlyn, Laura, Rose, James, Leo and Andy

Side Cast:
Mordecai, Zain, Dean, Easton, Calvin, Diego, Madi, Anne, Lizzy, Alex and Kate

Brad: ...

Leo: You...you ready to go?

Brad: It hurts Leo

Leo: I know

>Brad carved Zoey's name into the memorial<

Brad: I shouldn't have left her...I...I feel so stupid

Leo: You aren't stupid

>Rose puts her hand on Brads shoulder<

Rose: We will avenge her

Brad: Yes...Yes we will

>Brad gets up and they get back on their horses<

Brad: Ill never forget you Zoey...

>They ride off<
>Flashback to Calvin's camp<

Brad: (pouring booze on the ground) I can't risk it...I cant...I'm sorry...

>Brad stops pouring and notices a map pinned to the side of a horse carriage<

Brad: (grabs the map) No way...

>The map has Redwoods location, The ranch and jesses location<

Brad: ... (folds the map and puts it away)

>Flashback ends<

Brad: ...I need to find him

Rose: What? Who do you need to find?

Brad: Jesse, I found a map to his location

Rose: We can search for him later

Brad: No...this has to be done now

>Brad veers the horse off to the left<

Laura: What are you doing!

Brad: Get Sophia back to Redwood! We will be there soon! Go!

Leo: Trust him

Laura: (nods)

>Laura, Leo and Sophia head for Redwood<
>Brad and Rose heads for the mountains<

Rose: Why would he be up in the mountains?

Brad: I don't know maybe because it's isolated and gets extremely cold so the walkers freeze

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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