Blood in the water

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(Season 3 Episode 1)

~1 month later~


~Wooden door bursts open~

~Silenced Pistol~

Peyton: ~Whispers~ Main room clear

~Everyone moves into the small home~

Ethan: No basement

Jesse: But we have an upstairs

Zoey: Theo on me we will go upstairs

Theo: Lead the way

~Meanwhile outside just down the gravel path there's a lake~

Matt: Alright let's start filling as many containers as we can

Nate: This water is gross though

Matt: We can boil it it'll be fine now hand me the milk jug

Nate: Yea sure thing

Damien: Whoa I can see all the fish

Matt: Oh man

Nate: How is there so many?

Matt: Well with no one left around to hunt them their population must've blown up

Damien: we need fishing gear! I am a pro fisher

Matt: Is that all the containers?

Nate: Yup

Matt: Alright let's get to the house they have to have it cleared by now

Damien: You guys go ahead I'm going to see if I can catch something

Matt: I don't think it's a good idea to be out here alone

Damien: It'll be fine if there was something here it would've came out by now

Matt: I suppose

~Nate and Matt carry the jugs of water back to the house~

~Water splashing~

Damien: Alright here fishy fishy

~Damien is knee deep in the water~

Damien: Just a little closer....

~A fish is swimming up to Damien~

~Damien goes to grab it with his hand but misses~

Damien: Dammit why-

~Something grabs damiens hand and pulls him under~

Damien: MMM!

~Water splashing~

Damien: ~Gasps for air~ AHH!!

Matt: ~Turns around~ Damien!

Damien: AGHH! GOD! ~Grabs his neck~

~Walkers start rising out of the water~

Damien: AHHHH!!

~The Walkers are covered in algae and are mushy looking~

Walker: GAHHH!!!

~More and more Walkers come out of the water~

Damien: HELP ME!

~Damien crawls backwards out of the water and staggers to get up~

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