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(Season 1 Episode 10 Finale)

~Wind blowing through the trees~

~Bodies are scattered all through the field~

~Brad is sitting against a tree in the middle of a field with a nasty wound on his lower left stomach~

Brad: ~teary eyed~ ~Whispers~ I should've listened...I should've known...

~Footsteps approach~

~2 people approach and stop in front of brad~

Unknown: He should've whispered...

~The unknown person draws out a machete~

Unknown: You should've all whispered...

~Few days prior~

~Revolver clicks~

Brad: Get back here Dave!

Dave: Fuck fuck!

Brad: Stay on him!

Tyler: Max go get him!

Max: ~Barks~

~Max runs full speed ahead~

Dave: Oh fuck me!

~Dave runs into an alley~
~A truck stops on the other end of the alley blocking Dave in~

Caleb: We got him!

Ashlyn: Don't move!

Tyler: ~Grabs a hold of max~

Dave: ~Panicking~

Brad: And just where do you think you're going?

Dave: Don't do this man please just let me go

Brad: Why? You're just going to run to Mercer and tell him we are coming

Mercer: Too little too late for that

Brad: How did you know

Mercer: You shot everyone in this city heard that shot and that's not a good thing

Brad: I'm not afraid of the dead

Mercer: They aren't dead

Tyler: Whats that supposed to mean?

Ashlyn: He's bluffing

Mercer: Please just come with me and I'll explain

Ethan: Hell no

Peyton: You're just going to lead us to a trap

Mercer: If I wanted to kill you all I would've but there's no time they will be here any second

Tyler: Who?

~Fire arrows start raining down on the truck~

Caleb: Off the truck now!

Mercer: They're here! How's that possible!

Brad: who's here!

Mercer: Fuck! Come with me now!

~Everyone follows Mercer back to the bar~

Mercer: Everyone pack your shit!

Gavin: What's going on

Mercer: They round us

Gavin: What!

Mercer: You heard me!

Ethan: Can someone explain what the fuck is going on!

Mercer: We need to get out of here there's no time! They will kill us all if they get ahold of us

Dave: Can we go back to Wiltshire

Peyton: Hell no

Ashlyn: Yea fuck that

Dave: Please those things out there aren't a joke! Brad!

Peyton: Brad don't let them come back to our home! They are monsters!

~Brad looks out the window and sees numerous silhouettes approaching~

Mercer: How are they so fast?!

Dave: C'mon man! We will all die in here

Peyton: Brad let's just go back fuck these people they can stay

Brad: No...We all are going

Ashlyn: What?!?

Ethan: That doesn't sound like a good idea man

Mercer: Thank you!

Brad: Just don't make me regret it...

Mercer: You won't

Peyton: Un-fucking-believable

Mercer: Everyone out through the back now!

~More arrows are shot through the bars windows~

~Everyone makes a mad dash for Wiltshire~

~On one of the tables there's a map with Wiltshire circled with a note that reads "This is where they are. You know what to do."~

~Something picks up the map~

(End of Season 1)

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