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(Season 1 episode 4)

~Metal clanking~

Tyler: Over here we have our armory/ Black smithing stations

Ethan: Tyler! Hey what are you doing over here?

Tyler: Just showing the new girl around

Ethan: Alright but remember no dogs in the black smithing area

Tyler: Don't worry I remember

Claire: What is he doing?

Tyler: Polishing the guns and sharpening the other weapons

Claire: Cool

Tyler: Ethan where's Jesse?

Ethan: Somewhere in the back looking at the ammo

Tyler: Alright max stay

~Max sits and waits outside the area while Tyler and Claire go inside~

Tyler: Jesse?

Jesse: Back here!

Tyler: Hey man what are you doing back here?

~There's books all over the table and a variety of bullets set nicely next to each other~

Jesse: I'm still trying to learn how to make bullets

Claire: What in the world happened to that handgun over there

~There's a handgun on a table completely destroyed~

Jesse: Oh that I tried test firing the first homemade bullet and it backfired and destroyed the gun completely it uh even sliced my hand open

Tyler: Jesus dude are you okay?

Jesse: Yeah I'm all stitched up and good

Tyler: Well this is Claire her and her little brother are new here

Jesse: Hey Claire how you liking it here?

Claire: So far it's amazing

Jesse: Good well if you ever have any questions let me know

Claire: Cool, hey Tyler

Tyler: Yeah

Claire: ~Whispers~ I thought there wasn't nice people here?

Tyler: Oh you-

~Metal drops on the floor~

Ethan: Son of a bitch!

~Ethan kicks the metal piece away~

Ethan: God!

Tyler: ~Chuckles~ You good?

Ethan: ~Gives Tyler the finger~

Tyler: There he is

Claire: Where's the next stop?

Tyler: The Infirmary I believe

Claire: Sweet

Tyler: Thanks for letting us visit Ethan

Ethan: Whatever

Tyler: C'mon max

Brad: Tyler! Hey

Tyler: What's up

Brad: One of your traps went off near the south wall Martin says he thinks it's a deer

Tyler: Oh shoot I gotta go Claire

Claire: Okay thanks for showing me around

Tyler: Not a problem max let's go!

Brad: You liking it?

Claire: This place is amazing

Brad: Where was Tyler taking you next?

Claire: The Infirmary

Brad: Oh cool you'll love the people who run that area they're fantastic

Claire: So Tyler told me you had people do jobs to earn their keep

Brad: Yeah?

Claire: Could I assist in the hunting area?

Brad: If that's what you want then sure just as long as you stay productive

Claire: Understood

Brad: Alrighty the Infirmary is this house just across the street

~Claire and Brad walk up the steps to the house~

~Knock Knock~

~The door unlocks and slowly opens~

(End of the episode)

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