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(Season 1 Episode 3)

(door opens and closes)

Tyler: So this green house is designed for our vegetables and for some reason this is the one that needs the most upkeep we don't have a clue as to why

Claire: Whoa

Tyler: Yo Wesley! Come meet the new girl

(Wesley sets down a pair of shears and walks over to Claire)

Wesley: Hey the names Wesley

Claire: Claire

Wesley: Nice to meet you Claire

Claire: How many people work in here?

Wesley: So far just Patricia, Axel, Samantha and I

Claire: Not a lot huh?

Wesley: We operate this greenhouse there's a completely different crew in the fruit garden

Claire: Do you grow a lot in here?

Wesley: Enough to get by we have plans for expansions but we don't have the necessary materials to expand onwards

Claire: Do you have people gathering materials?

Wesley: Yeah but honestly they are moving quite slowly, winter is coming.

Claire: Well as it sits now it looks like you have a nice set up here

Wesley: Thank you and if you'll excuse me I have to get back to trimming otherwise I'll forget and it'll look like shit

Claire: Alrighty

Tyler: Come on the other greens house isn't far from here

Claire: I thought you said we were going to see farms

Tyler: These are our farms we just built them into greenhouses for winter use

(Tyler and Claire walk out and down the street until they reach the other greens house)

(music is coming from the greens house)

~Knock Knock~

Tyler: Hey! Open up please

(music stops)
(door unlocks)
(door opens)

Tyler: Thank you

Nate: What's up?

Tyler: I was tasked with showing the new girl around so can we please look inside

Nate: Oh yea sure come in

Claire: Wowza this greenhouse is bigger then the other one

Nate: Oh that's because we took a vote over which is more important vegetables or fruits and fruits won by a landslide

Claire: How many are in your crew?

Nate: There's 10 of us but most are on again off again

Claire: Like part time?

Nate: Yea some would rather not spend their day cooped up in here

Claire: Do you like it in here?

Nate: If it keeps me from having to go out there I'm all up for it

Claire: You haven't been here long have you?

Nate: No, I've been here for a long time like way before Brad was leader

Claire: I thought brad was always leader

Nate: Nope the last guy was a wack job and well shit just didn't turn out right

Tyler: But we are moving forward from what happened

Nate: Yes we are

Tyler: Well we better let you get back to it there's still a ton for me to show her

Nate: Alright you all take care now

Claire: It was nice to meet you???

Nate: Oh right the names Nate

Claire: Hello Nate my names claire

Nate: Nice to meet you

Claire: Likewise

(Claire and Tyler walk out of the green house)

Tyler: Next stops the armory and I'm going to fair warn you right now the guy who runs it can come off as short tempered so step with caution

Claire: Yeah sure

Tyler: Good ~whistles~ let's go max

(End of the Episode)

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