Too far gone

3 1 0

(Season 7 Episode 5)

Main Cast:
Brad, Ethan, Tyler, Andrew, Claire, Jesse, Matt, Connor, Zoey and Theo

Side Cast:
Laura, Rose, Ashlyn, Peyton, Max, Leo, James, Clark, Mordecai, Rachel and Andy

>People chatting<

Peyton: Where the hell is bennett we've been waiting for over 30 minutes now

Theo: No clue

>Theo, Peyton and other Redwood residents are sitting in the dining area with a handful of castle black members<

Rachel: This is odd

Theo: What is?

Rachel: I can't find sam

Peyton: Have you seen Bennett at all?

Rachel: No

Theo: What should be the plan here

Peyton: Not a clue

Ben: Attention! Attention! Hello fellow comrades! As most of you know my names Ben and I will be filing in for Bennett for the rest of the evening

Peyton: Uh excuse me I need to speak with Bennett and no offense but you aren't Bennett

Ben: None taken and Bennett is still recovering from his wounds that he got whilst helping you Redwood folk take down those outposts

Rachel: Where's Sam

Ben: Honestly I haven't seen her all day

Rachel: I need to go find her

>The guards block Rachel from leaving<

Ben: Don't be hasty please sit

Rachel: But-

Ben: Sit

>Rachel sits down at the table with Theo and Peyton<

Ben: I have to say I am quite impressed that you took out 3 outposts out of the 8 they have

Theo: How do you know there's 8?

Ben: Because I was told

Theo: By who

Ben: Not important...You all did well...People of Redwood and friends of Bennett

Peyton: Friends of Bennett? (Looks around)

>Peyton notices the guards spreading out<

Peyton: (looks back to Ben)

Theo: Peyton

Peyton: What

Theo: Something ain't right

Peyton: You're right.... Bennett's dead isn't he!

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