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(Season 2 Episode 7)

Claire: Brad!

~Brad runs towards the gunshot~

Claire: Dammit

~Claire runs inside~

~The gunshot came from a residential neighborhood just beyond the woods~

Walkers: AHHH!!

~People are shouting~
~Brad stops and watches from behind a tree~

Xavier: There's too many!

Brad: ~Thinking to himself~ Holy shit by the looks of that vehicle these guys must be pretty loaded

Brad: ~Thinking to himself~ Holy shit by the looks of that vehicle these guys must be pretty loaded

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Xavier: Get inside the truck now!

Walker: GAHH!


Xavier: AHH!! AKK!!

~Walkers swarm and take Xavier down~

~Woman screams~

Brad: Should I just let them die and take their ride after?

~Little girl screams~


Brad: Fuck!

Walkers: GAHH!!


Brad: AH!


~The little girl is pinned against the vehicle~

~Revolver clicks|


Brad: Over here! Come on!

~The woman and child run behind brad~

Brad: Names?

Rose: My makes rose and this is Laura

Brad: Is it just the 2 of you?

Rose: No there are others they're just out

Brad: Why didn't you hide in the vehicle

Rose: Our Friend has the keys and well...he's over there being devoured

Brad: Shit well just stay behind me

Rose: You are going to take them all on?

Brad: Yup

Walkers: GAHH!!


Brad: GAH!!!

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