The Reunion

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(Season 5 Episode 3)

~The motorcycle pulls up on a dirt path~

Wesley: They're back!

~The group gathers around as Ethan and Peyton pull up~

Theo: How did it go

Ethan: You tell me

~Clark and Ashlyn pull up in a Jeep~


Andrew: What's that noise?

Ethan: You'll see

~The tank slowly rolls up on the path~

~The tank stops and the hatch opens~

~Brad gets out of the tank while holding onto James~

Brad: Hey everyone

~Brad hops down off the tank~

James: hi...

Connor: Holy shit dude you're alive!

~Max runs up to brad wagging his tail~

Brad: Hey boy

Tyler: Its good to see you again

~Tyler is still getting used to a prosthesis leg~

Brad: Tyler what happened

Tyler: I wasn't paying attention and got bit

Brad: Damn

Tyler: Heh I'm still getting used to this dang thing

Brad: aw so no race then?

Tyler: Give me another week and I'll crush you

Brad: ~laughs~

Rose: It's good to see you again

~Rose hugs brad~

Brad: It's good to see you too

Rose: May I?

Brad: Sure

~Brad hands over James to rose~

Rose: My my you sure have gotten big

Mercer: Hey...

~Brad looks at Mercer~

Ethan: We found him not too long ago he-

Mercer: I wanted to apologize for everything...

~Brad walks towards Mercer~
~People look concerned~

~Brad holds his hand out~

Mercer: You aren't mad?

Brad: it was a long time ago.

~Mercer shakes brads hand~

Brad: I'm just glad to see everyone together again

Erin: What the hell happened back there

Brad: I'll explain it all in time trust me

Ethan: Well make yourself at home it may not be much but it's enough for us

~The camp mainly consists of the Rv, Tahoe, Jeep and a small hunters perch~

~Later that night everyone's gathered around a campfire laughing and playing with James~

~Brad is in the back sitting on the tank~

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