The Rising

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(Season 6 Episode 3)

Main Cast:
Brad, Ethan, Tyler, Andrew, Claire, Jesse, Matt, Connor, Wesley and Zoey

Side Cast:
Theo, Laura, Rose, Ashlyn Peyton, Max, Leo, James, Finn, Clark Mordecai and Zeke

>Zeke, Jeff, Dean, Rachel, Finn, Jesse, Peyton Wesley, Tyler and Brad have already set out for castle black<

Laura: Man it's really coming down today

Leo: I hate snow

Laura: I don't mind it

Rose: Alright James is asleep

Laura: How long are the others going to be gone?

Rose: No clue but we will be just fine here

Leo: Why did they not let me go

Rose: Because Leo believe it or not you are still a kid

Leo: Yea a kid who's killed people...

Rose: Leo don't talk like that

Leo: But

Rose: Please

Leo: Fine

Rose: Thank you

>Someone starts frantically pounding on the door<

>Leo opens the door and jimmy runs in<

Jimmy: I'm sorry to run in its just they are trying to get me again

>Leo walks outside<
>Bruce, Gabe, Cameron and Keaton stand there looking at Leo<

Leo: We really want to go over this again

Gabe: 4 of us vs 1 of you

Laura: Make that 2

Jimmy: 3

Bruce: HA! Jimmy you spineless worm! Why not fight us and take your beating like a man

Laura: You know with the dead rising and eating people I think we were beyond this childish bullshit of being a bully

Bruce: The dead rising turned everyone into a "bully" just think about it

Gabe: Enough talk! I wanna cut up his face and see how he likes it!

Leo: You should be thanking me I made you look better by adding that scar

Gabe: You fucking asshole!

>Bruce and his gang start running towards Leo, Laura and jimmy<

>Pistol clicks<

Leo: get back!

Cameron: Shit!

Bruce: How the fuck did you get that!

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