(Season 2 Episode 10 Finale)

~Dave drops through the vent~

Peyton: Dave! You asshat what was that!

~Peyton drops~
~Kevin and Greyson drop soon after~

Greyson: Looks like we are in the gym

Kevin: Greyson help me shut those doors

Peyton: We made a big circle? Damn

~Wesley, Nate, Theo and Damien drop~

Theo: Plan doesn't change search around

Kevin: Wait What about John and Caleb?

Theo: If they made it they will come the same way we did

Damien: I don't think they're coming...Caleb was trapped under the door

Peyton: Seriously?

Damien: Afraid so.

Peyton: I'm going back

Theo: Like hell you are

Peyton: I'll just got to investigate I'll be back I swear

Theo: Shit fine you have 5 minutes

Peyton: Okay

~Damien and Wesley boost Peyton back into the vent~

Wesley: Good luck

Peyton: Thanks

Theo: That the exit?

Damien: Looks like it

~Damien opens the door and looks out~

Damien: It's an exit...a clear one in fact

Theo: Perfect lets get to searching

Greyson: There's a lot to search here

Theo: Exactly so let's not waste anymore time and get to searching

Kevin: What specifically are we looking for?

Theo: Food, Ammo, Medicine, Batteries and well basically anything useful

~Peyton reaches the kitchen again~
~Peyton drops~

Peyton: ~whisper yells~ John! Caleb!

~Peyton peeks into the cafeteria and sees the entrance is clear~

Peyton: Shit they must've-

Walker John: GAHHH!!!!

Peyton: JOHN! FUCK!

Walker John: GAH! GAH! AHH!!

Peyton: AGHH!! DAMMIT!


Peyton: I'm so sorry....

~Peyton starts to take Johns weapons~

~The Walkers in the hallway heard the screaming and gunfire~

Walkers: AGHHH!!!

Peyton: Shit gotta go

~Peyton runs back into the kitchen and climbs back in the vent~

Theo: Alright I'm done looting my area

Wesley: Same

Kevin: Me too

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