Come together

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(Season 8 Episode 10 finale)

Main Cast:
Brad, Ethan, Andrew, Claire, Jesse, Matt, Connor, Zoey, Ashlyn and Leo

Side Cast:
Laura, Rose, Max, James, Clark, Mordecai, Rachel, Sam, Mercer, Darwin and Andy

>Flashback to the journey to Lakewood church<

Rose: (sighs)

Brad: Hey rose?

Rose: Yes?

Brad: Everything good? You didn't wake me for my lookout shift

Rose: Ah it's fine I got this you can go back to sleep...

Brad: Whats wrong?

Rose: It's nothing

Brad: It's obviously something

>Brad sits down next to rose<

Brad: You know I'm always here for you

Rose: I know... I know.

Brad: So whats bothering you?

Rose: Do you think this church is going to be legit?

Brad: I sure hope so

Rose: Laura can't be exposed to this cruel world...I fear it'll change her...and Leo and James

Brad: Leo is already hardening to the world but that's not necessarily a bad thing

Rose: I promised my daughter I'd look after her and I can't do that if I die out here or (chokes) or if she dies out here I couldn't handle that...

Brad: You're like me rose

Rose: How so?

Brad: James isn't my son

Rose: He isn't?

Brad: No he's my nephew I promised my sister I'd do whatever it took to keep him alive

Rose: I guess we are...

Brad: You're strong rose

Rose: Oh please I'm in my 50's I'm not strong...

Brad: But you are...everyone here is...if I were to die tomorrow I'd have no worries because I'd know james is in safe hands

Rose: Oh please you'll still be kicking long after I'm gone

Brad: I don't know rose crazier things have happened

Rose: I guess

Brad: Try not to worry about it okay? We will all be just fine because we have each other.

>Flashback ends<

Ethan: Keep moving people!

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