(Season 4 Episode 1)

(1 year after the church)

(Cloth hangers rattling)

Claire: Go try this on

Leo: Do I have to

Claire: Yes we need it to fit now go

Leo: Fine

Rose: ~Chuckles~

Claire: 10 year olds am I right

Rose: I hear ya Laura is the same way

Claire: How old is Laura?

Rose: 11

Claire: Is she your daughter?

Rose: Nah she's my granddaughter

Claire: Oh cool

Rose: I was watching her while my son and his wife were on vacation

Claire: Did this happen before they could get back?

Rose: It did

Claire: I'm sorry

Rose: I'm not I haven't seen them yet so there's still a chance they're alive

Claire: Yea

Rose: So what's the story with you and Matt?

Claire: We're just good friends

Rose: Uh-huh

Claire: What we are

Rose: Okay Okay whatever you say just try not to keep us up all night again okay?

Claire: ~Blushes~ I...I...

Rose: ~laughs~

~Glass crunches~

Jesse: What's this store

Wesley: Sporting goods

Jesse: What are we going to find here?

Wesley: With any luck some new running shoes

Andrew: Oh new shoes would be amazing

Wesley: Right?

~Wesley, Jesse and Andrew walk down a flight of stairs in the sporting goods store~

Wesley: Jackpot

~Most of the shoes are still there~

Andrew: Sweet

~They start looking through shoe boxes~

~Jesse sits down and takes off one of his shoes~

Jesse: It's been a long time since we've gotten some luck like this

Wesley: You're telling me

Andrew: I'm so glad we gave this mall a chance

Jesse: Yea it would've sucked passing this up

Andrew: Now if only we can find some food

Jesse: Or ammo

Wesley: I think medicine is more important

Andrew: Well fine anything useful I hope we find

Jesse: ~Chuckles~

Theo: Areas clear

Ethan: Good and where is everyone?

Zoey: Rose, Zoey, Laura and Leo are in a clothing store

Theo: Andrew, Wesley and Jesse are in the sporting goods store

Zoey: Uh Peyton, Ashlyn, Tyler and max went to the pet store

Matt: Erin and Connor went to the furniture store

Theo: Why?

Matt: Because there's actual beds in there

Theo: Hot damn that's where we should hold up for the night

Ethan: Agreed

Zoey: ~looks troubled~

Ethan: What's up with you?

Zoey: It's been nearly 6 months since we've seen anyone

Ethan: Not many people left this far in

Zoey: Yea but we've been to numerous town/cities and we haven't seen anyone recently

Theo: Well that's probably because everyone is held up somewhere

Matt: Yea not too many moving around

Ethan: I'm glad we haven't ran into anyone...People are far more deadlier then the walkers

Theo: Yea we don't need what happened last time we saw a person to happen again

Matt: Or another church situation

Zoey: The church we should go back

Ethan: No

Zoey: Why there's  people there and I'm sure by now it's safe

Ethan: We vowed to never go back on anything remember?

Zoey: But-

Ethan: No I'm sorry it's my decision and it's final

Zoey: I fail to see who put you in charge

Ethan: No one else stepped up...I did

Zoey: I think how we were doing things before worked fine

Ethan: How things worked before?

Zoey: When we were on the road heading to the church we didn't have anyone in charge

Ethan: Bullshit yea we did

Zoey: Who was

Ethan: Brad was

Zoey: He didn't act like a leader

Ethan: That's because he's not.

Matt: Watch it man

Ethan: Sorry it's just a lot of people died on his watch and that whole night at the church just reminded me of that

Zoey: Only reason people died that night was because of you that herd was your plan Brad was just trying to clean up your mess

Ethan: Maybe but as it sits we don't go back

Zoey: This is bullshit

~Zoey storms off~

Theo: She'll Be fine

Ethan: We haven't lost a single person with me leading so I don't know what her deal is

Matt: Well I know yours

Ethan: What's my deal?

Matt: You don't take responsibility for what you've done and did...you just shift it to another person

Ethan: No I don't

Matt: You just did man you brought up brad and said it was his fault people died...last I checked Damien died by a walker...Nate died by a walker...Kevin died by a psycho and Greyson died by a walker as well none of that blood should be on Brads hands...

Ethan: ...

Matt: Also 3/4 of those people died by a walker so I think humans are less dangerous then walkers

~Matt walks away~

Theo: He has a point man

~Theo follows Matt~

Ethan: ~Sits down~

~Ethan sits next to the dried out fountain~

~Ethan pulls out a book and starts erasing and writing things in it~

(End of the episode)

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