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(Season 5 Episode 10 finale)

Zeke: Please everyone put the guns down there's no need for them

Andrew: Let's all just take a breather

Brad: I was tased last night for no damn reason  so don't tell me to take a breather!

Andrew: Brad you are pointing a gun at an innocent person!

Brad: you weren't there

Andrew: just put the gun down

Brad: Fine

~Brad puts his Revolver in the holster~

Zeke: Thank you... now there's been no damage so we can still make this work

Stan: No damage!

~Stan, Kelly, Dan and ryan waltz outside~

Stan: Do you have a clue what that kid did!

Zeke: I do

Stan: And you are still okay with it

Zeke: I am

Stan: Why!

Zeke: Because if your boy would quit bullying he wouldn't have a sliced up face now would he

Stan: He wasn't

Zeke: Oh come on Stan jimmy and his parents already told me everything that went down that's the same reason why I'll be cracking down on your family and the other boys family

Kelly: Cracking down! Well if you feel that way then we will just pack our things up and find somewhere new

Zeke: Then go see how far you make it just don't forget to send a postcard

Stan: You standing with outsiders will be this places downfall

Zeke: No Stan being pushed around by people like you will and I refuse to let it happen

Stan: You already are being pushed around

Zeke: Don't go there

Stan: Nah why would I we all know how proud you are of being the saints lap dog!

Zeke: ENOUGH! GO HOME NOW! Mordecai escort them home

Mordecai: Yes sir.. lets go now!

~Mordecai, Stan and Kelly walk away~

Zeke: Now for the love of god who is the leader of this group here

~Everyone looks to Ethan~

Zeke: Everyone is looking at you so would you-

Ian: Zeke! Zeke!

Zeke: What Ian

Ian: Leah is back

Zeke: Already?

Ian: They killed the team...something about a light load

Zeke: Son of a bitch! Look I'm sorry I have to go right now Jayden can you and your team escort these people to this address

~Zeke hands Jayden a paper with an address on it~

Jayden: But these-

Zeke: Just Please

Jayden: It'll get done

Zeke: Good

Jayden: Alright if I can get you all to follow me that would be great

~The group follows Jayden and his team on foot~

The Dead: RebirthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora