You again

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(Season 9 Episode 9)

Main Cast:
Brad, Ethan, Andrew, Claire, Jesse, Matt, Connor, Zoey, Ashlyn and Leo

Side Cast:
Laura, Rose, James, Clark, Mordecai, Rachel, Sam, Terzo, Dean, Carter and Andy

Whisperer: Keep the herd moving! Don't get distracted from what's really important

Zain: There's so many!

Alex: What have you lead us to!

Brad: Shut up! We are almost there!

Terzo: This isn't looking good!

Brad: We can make it!

David: Your community isn't far right?!

Brad: It's close! We are so close!

David: Lizzy! Do it!

Lizzy: (loads the flare gun)

>Flare sizzling<
>The flare is shot into the nighttime sky<

Madi: I knew this was a bad idea!

Brad: We can do it! Just keep pushing! They will see it and come!

Madi: You don't know that!

Easton: Madi! Focus!

Madi: Fine!

Ando: AHHH! Whisperers!

Whisperer: Take them out quickly!

Tanner: Shit! I don't want to do this anymore! I can't!

Zain: Tanner you cant give up now! We are almost there!

Tanner: Look how many of them there are! Even if we do make it there they will just follow and all this will have been for nothing! I just...can't! We should have just sticked to the original plan!

David: More whisperers incoming!

Tanner: Oh shit oh fuck!

David: Tanner! Tanner! Look at me!

Tanner: (looks at David)

David: We will be-

>An arrow pierces out of David's head<

Tanner: AGH!!!!!

>David's body falls limb against tanner<

Alpha: Excellent shot.

Whisperer: Thank you...

Alpha: Now let's wrap this up

>Alpha loads a sawed-off shotgun<

Tanner: David! No!!!

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