Monster within

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(Season 6 Episode 10 finale)

Main Cast:
Brad, Ethan, Tyler, Andrew, Claire, Jesse, Matt, Connor, Wesley and Zoey

Side Cast:
Theo, Laura, Rose, Ashlyn Peyton, Max, Leo, James, Finn, Clark Mordecai and Zeke

>metal door opens<

>footsteps approach<

Brad: You ready to talk?

Diego: You're all are...

Brad: Answer the question.

Diego: I won't tell you anything

Brad: Figured. Mercer

>Mercer walks up holding a bag<

Brad: He's all yours

Mercer: Don't worry I'll get him to talk

Brad: I know

>Mercer sets the bag down and opens it revealing all sorts of tools<

Diego: ...

Mercer: Now where to begin.

>Walker groans<

Tyler: Walker! Don't worry I got it

>A walker approaches the gate<

>Tyler takes one of the spikes from the wall<


Tyler: Like butter

Matt: Good one Tyler remember to put that back

Tyler: I know...shit

Matt: What is it?

Tyler: More headlights!

Matt: No one mention the group that was just here got it!

Ashlyn: We won't

>More vehicles approach and stop just outside the gate<

Simon: Mind opening up!?

Matt: What do you want

Simon: We are looking for some of our people

Matt: Haven't seen them

Simon: Yea I bet...hey what's with all the upgrades?

Matt: just a precaution

Simon: Look we have the boy with us just open up will you

Matt: Andy with you?

Simon: You-

Andy: Whats the hold up! Open that gate now!

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