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(Season 1 Episode 9)

~Muffled talking~

Peyton: Tyler? Tyler you here

Tyler: Yeah I'm here

~Peyton and Tyler are tied together and blindfolded~

Peyton: What's the plan?

Tyler: I don't know yet

Peyton: Well we better think of something fast we-


Peyton: Ah!

Gavin: Shut your mouth you cunt

Peyton: Excuse you?


Gavin: What did I just say!

Peyton: ~laughs~ You better hope I never get loose because I'm coming for you...

Gavin: I'd like to see you try

~Gavin walks away~

Tyler: You good?

Peyton: I'm fine

~Gavin smacked Peyton causing her blindfold to slightly shift allowing her to see her surroundings~

Peyton: I can see around

Tyler: What do you see?

Peyton: Uh nothing really? It's kinda gloomy in here

Tyler: You see anything we could use to cut ourselves loose?

Peyton: Uhh

~Peyton looks around~

Peyton: I got something

Tyler: Great! What is it?

Peyton: There's a metallic sign handing from the wall next to us

Tyler: How's that going to help?

Peyton: It has sharp edges we can use them to cut these ties

Tyler: Okay how are we going to get them without causing a lot of noise?

Peyton: Boost me

Tyler: Boost you how?

Peyton: We are tied back to back right?

Tyler: Right?

Peyton: We will link arms and you will bend forward raising me up just enough for me to kick the sign down

Tyler: Well given the circumstances we don't have much options so fuck it

~Tyler and Peyton link arms~
~Tyler bends forward raising Peyton just a few inches off the ground~

Tyler: Got it?

~Peyton can almost reach it~
~Footsteps approaching~

Tyler: Someone's coming hurry


~Peyton pushes up on the metallic sign causing to fall off its hanger~

Peyton: Got it!

Tyler: Great

~Peyton starts cutting the ties with the corner of the sign~


Tyler: You free?

~Peyton removes the blindfold~

Peyton: Yup

~Keys jingle and the door knob rattles~

Peyton: Shit

Tyler: Hide

~Peyton picks up the metallic sign and runs to the door~

~The door opens~
~Peyton stands quietly behind the door~
~The man closes the door~

Lucas: The fuck?

~James turns around~


Lucas: Shit!

~Lucas falls onto his back~

Peyton: AH!

~Peyton drops The now blood covered sign~

Peyton: Oh my god....~looks at her now blood covered hands~

Tyler: Peyton hey you still with me?

Peyton: Yea...yeah

~Peyton runs over and cuts Tyler free~

Tyler: ~Takes the blindfold off~ Whoa...

Peyton: I...I had to

Tyler: I know...let's just go warn the others

~Peyton and Tyler run out into the hallway and out the emergency exit~
~An alarm rings~

Tyler: Just keep running!

Peyton: Tyler

Tyler: Yeah

Peyton: We are in the city with nothing on us

Tyler: Don't worry about that now just keep moving!

~Door flies open~

Mercer: NO!

~Tyler and Peyton run through the city~

Tyler: I know where to go from here!

~Peyton and Tyler run around the corner of a building~

~Tyler is suddenly tackled~

Max: ~Licks Tyler~

Tyler: Max! But how?

Brad: Hey

Tyler: You all are here?

~Everyone from Wiltshire (minus a few) are standing behind brad~

Brad: Can you both fight?

Peyton: I can

Tyler: Me too why?

Brad: Because were on our way to kill those people who took you

Tyler: Can't we just go home?

Brad: They know where we live

Tyler: How

~Brad points to where Dave was~

Brad: Dave? Dave! Shit where is he!

~Dave is full on sprinting back to the bar~

Dave: Gotta tell Mercer ~Panting~ Gotta tell Mercer

(End of the Episode)

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