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(Season 3 Episode 2)

~The vehicle approaches a blockade in the middle of the street~

~It's a quiet night in downtown Houston~

Zoey: Well shit

Theo: What is it Z?

Zoey: Looks like a makeshift barricade

~Zoey gets out~

~Theo, Brad, Andrew and Leon also get out~

Andrew: Anyway we are getting around it?

Zoey: Afraid not

Brad: Destination isn't far we could walk the rest and come back for the truck later

Theo: Someone would need to stay with the truck

~Footsteps approach~

Tyler: Max and I could stay back

Matt: I wanna stay as well....

Brad: You sure Matt

Matt: I'm not sure of anything anymore...

Zoey: Lets wake the others and get on the move

~The group gathers their belongings and get ready to hike the rest of the way to the Lakewood church~

James: ~Sleeping~

Brad: Lower him in gently

Peyton: that was the plan

~Peyton lowers James into the back strap on brad~

Claire: Stay with me at all times got it

Leo: Mhmm

Rose: Same with you

Laura: Okay

~The group sets out while Tyler, Matt and max stay back~

Tyler: You good?

Matt: Fine.

Tyler: it about Damien?

Matt: Don't

Tyler: Matt he died a while ago

Matt: Doesn't change a damn thing

Tyler: You're right it doesn' did you two know each other?

Matt: He was my best friend since before whatever the hell this is

Tyler: I had no idea

Matt: He's the one who kept me going... he...I... I wanted to die for the longest time because I thought there was no future left in this world...he told me to keep pushing

Tyler: And?

Matt: We came across Wiltshire and it started to bring my faith in this world back but those fucking assholes in the masks took that from us! They took everything from us!

Tyler: Calm down we don't know if we are alone just yet

Matt: When we fled Wiltshire he was the one who told "This isn't the end it's just a new beginning" and I thought he was bat shit crazy... but I stuck with him because that's what friends do and all was well again...he was very much looking forward to Lakewood church he said it was our second chance...doesn't seem like it

Tyler: Matt I-

Matt: I'm scared to live and I'm scared to die....

Tyler: maybe you should take his advice again

Matt: What?

Tyler: just keep pushing

Matt: There's only so much pushing you can do before you feel like you've fallen over the edge Tyler

Tyler: Matt this world is going to be cruel and unfair it's just how it has always been, BUT it's up to us to honor the ones who brought us this far...we owe that to them

Matt: I just don't know anymore Tyler we are going to fight just for another false hope...someone will always come around and try to take what we've worked so hard for

Tyler: We will find a way

Matt: and if we don't

Tyler: Then fake it until we make it

Matt: What?

Tyler: We have to stay positive for the kids if they see us down that'll only put them down

Matt: Gotcha

Max: ~Barking~

Tyler: Max! Hush!

~Knocking on the window~

Matt: Jesus! What the hell

~Someone is looking through the drivers window with a big grin~

Matt: Should I roll it down a bit?

Tyler: Just a bit I don't like the look of these people

~Matt rolls down the window a bit~

Matt: He-Hello?

Marvin: HELLO! MHAHA! I'm Marvin! What's your name? ~Twitches~

Matt: Matt and this is Tyler

Marvin: Well hello do you want to come out and play!

Matt: No? No thank you

Marvin: Ah come on! We are having a blast out here! Those mean old people don't like us outside but we like it out here it feels AMAZING!

Tyler: Mean old people?

Marvin: Mmmmm ~Scratches his head~ Play or no!

Tyler: Hey buddy we said no now scram

Marvin: AGHH!!!!!

Tyler: Roll it back up

~Matt rolls the window back up~

~The unknown people are jumping all over the vehicle trying to find a way in~

Tyler: The hell is wrong with these people

Marvin: GAHHH!!!


~People dressed in black robes come running in taking down the people swarming the vehicle~

Tyler: This is not good

~A carriage pulls up and the people start loading in the unconscious people in the back of the carriage~

Matt: What the hell is going on

~One of the people dressed in the black robe turns around and looks Tyler and Matt dead in the eye~

~The person picks up a candle and holds one of his fingers against his lips~

~The carriage and the people start to walk away~

Tyler: What the fuck was that!

Matt: ~Sits back in the chair~ seems like we've found trouble again

Tyler: ~Stunned~

(End of the Episode)

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