Lettu Vs The Emperor

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Lettu blocks Hasifufus. Lettu goes on to throw a barrage of punches however, Hasifufus blocks all of them.
Lettu spins around and throws a heavy kick at Hasifufus. Hasifufus flies away due to the impact.
Lettu: "Hehe, gotcha."
Hasifufus: "Shut up!!! HAAA!!!"
Hasifufus and Lettu both charge at each other. Lettu and Hasifufus clash fists. They both go back taking a deep breath.
Lettu: "Huff, huff, huff.
Hasifufus: "Rkh, ahh! Huff, huff."
Lettu: "I think it's time I step up my game. And go... Hehe. Super."
Mato: "No Lettu! What are you doing!"
Lettu: "Don't worry, your underestimating the emperor too much. I think he can take my Super Bount on. HAAAAAAAA!!!"
Lettu transforms into Super Bount.
Lettu: "Now, I think you'll enjoy the show."
Hasifufus: "After you my freind."
Lettu: "Your too kind."
Lettu rushes at Hasifufus so fast, he disappears and re-apears. Lettu punches Hasifufus causing him to fly away.
Hasifufus: "Your pissing me off. I'ma transform too!!! HAAAAAAAA!!!"
Hasifufus transforms into his half-sabaq form.
Hasifufus: "Now you two will never beat me!!!"
Lettu: "We'll see about that."
Lettu and Hasifufus both clash and have an intense fight. However, Hasifufus has the upper hand.
Lettu: "Huff, huff. Mato. I think it's time- akh! I think it's time you take over."
Mato: "Finally!!!"
Lettu goes back and Mato takes his place.
Hasifufus: "It doesn't matter who's fighting me!!! I'll always win!"
Mato: "We'll see. HAAAAAAAA!!!"
Mato goes Super Jameel.
Lettu: "Super off the bat eh. Smart choice Mato."
Mato and Hasifufus clash.

The hero Mato and Hasifufus clash. Who will be determined the victor. Next chapter on Dragon Ball Hifz! The Emperor Vs Mato!

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