Chapter 31

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I didn't sleep at all last night. I decided to get up at 5:30 a.m. and go on a run before school. I quietly got dressed, and ran outside of the house trying to not wake anyone up.

(outfit)I began running, and all I could think about was Patrick and Henry

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I began running, and all I could think about was Patrick and Henry. I didn't want my child to have to be with Henry and me separately, but I also wanted to be with Patrick. I felt something different with both of them. With Henry, I felt comfortable and I saw him as a husband, but I always saw Patrick as a lover. What the fuck am I thinking?! They both can't have sex with me! That's Mormon shit! I had to make a choice, Henry or Patrick? I ran into the café to grab some coffee and for the first time, I was so happy to see a familiar face. It was Butch, Henry's dad, and I don't think he knew about the engagement. We last spoke to him when we told him about the pregnancy, but that was it. I decided to walk up to him.
"Hi,Mr.Bowers,"i said hoping he would respond.
"(Y/N)! I'm so glad to see you," he said bringing me into a hug."You had the baby?"
I nodded,"Yes, we had a boy and named him Nicholas. I've been trying to get in contact with you, but I have been busy with school and work. I want you to stop by and see him if you would like to."
"You kiddin' me? I would love to see him! When's a good time?"he asked.
"Actually, you can come over when my coffee comes out. I'm sure Henry'll be extatic."I was hoping to get a ride.
"Yeah, that's great! I'll give ya a ride too if ya wanna hop in," he said. Thank God he offered cause I didn't wanna ask.
"That would be amazing, thank you."
He nodded and I grabbed my coffee. We got into his car, and drove to my house.
I had to tell him about the engagement, so I eased into the conversation,"So, Mr.Bowers,"
He cut me off,"Please, call me Butch."
"Okay, Butch, Henry and I have a kid together, and he and I are so in love," I said and he nodded,"He and I went in our first date since Nicholas was born, and he proposed to me."
Butch looked over at me stunned,"Henry proposed?! That's great! Lemme see the ring!"I held my hand up and he grabbed it,"Damn, Henry really came through for ya."
I began to get red,"Yeah, he did."
We got to the house, and walked in. I told Butch to take a seat on the couch and I'd be right down with Nicholas. He complied and sat down. Victor was passed out on a chair next to the couch, but Butch didn't pay any attention to it. Nicholas was wide awake when I came in and scooped him up. I walked downstairs, and handed Butch Nicholas.
"He looks just like ya,"Butch said with a smile,"It's a good thing he didn't get Henry's jeans." I laughed and told Butch to hang tight with Nicholas so I could grab him a bottle. I walked into the kitchen almost falling over Patrick who was passed out. "Jesus Christ, Pat!"I said catching myself from falling.
He looked at me puzzled,"What time is it?"
"It's 7:15 a.m.Go upstairs and take a shower, you smell like alcohol," I said smiling at him. I didn't want him to feel bad, but he sluggishly walked up the stairs with a frown on his face. I hope he was okay. I made Nicholas a bottle, and went back to the living room. Victor was now awake and went to the bathroom to take a pill for his hangover.
I apologetically said,"I'm sorry about the guys, they were celebrating the engagement last night, and a couple of them got a little tipsy."
Butch's smile was soft and sweet,"Trust me sweetheart, if that bothered me, I wouldn't do half of the things I do."
I laughed and handed Butch the bottle to feed Nicholas.
"Hey,Butch? Do you mind watching Nicholas for like a half an hour? I've gotta shower and get ready for school," I asked.
"Of course, he is my grandson. Go pretty yourself up, dollface, and take as long as you need," he said light heartedly.
"Thank you so much!"I hugged Butch and headed upstairs.
Once I got upstairs, I saw Belch getting ready. I told him that Butch was watching Nicholas downstairs, and headed to my and Henry's room. Henry was still asleep, so I decided to wake him up.
"Henry," I said in a soft tone,"It's time to get up."
Henry looked at me and kissed my nose,"Okay, where's Nicholas?"
Oh Jesus, this is what I was hoping not for him to ask. I began,"Well, he's downstairs with his grandfather."
Henry looked at me confused,"Grandfather?"
"Yeah, your dad is here and I thought he should meet the baby since he is the grandfather and please don't be mad. I ran into him at the café and I felt bad," I gave him an apoligetic look.
He looked at me and said,"I could never be mad at you, baby. It's actually a good thing he's here, now we can make things right between us and be a happy family." I kissed him, and got into the shower. I was happy for Henry being so mature and responsible. I got into the shower and began to get ready. I finished up soon, and threw on an outfit.

(outfit)I began heading back downstairs when I felt a large hand place itself on my shoulder

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I began heading back downstairs when I felt a large hand place itself on my shoulder. I turned to see Patrick with wet hair in nothing but a towel. He looked at me and said,"I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm very happy for you and Henry, and you're right, the past is the past. We have to move forward." He hugged me, which I felt oddly comfortable with considering he was naked with only a towel over him, and I continued downstairs. I was glad that he said that. Now, there was no one to choose between. Patrick and I will always love each other, but Henry is the one I belonged with. I felt relieved and happy that Patrick and I sorted this out. Everything was going to be fine.

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