WTF are our conversations

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( I could NOT help myself but to answer the chapter, yes, I am stalker much XD)

MyBoiBryan: Did you know that your friends took pics of us?

QueenKay: Why wouldn't they, they do that with every single person who gets a boyfriend IN the group!

MyBoiBryan: so it was fortold?

QueenKay: was fortold

MyBoiBryan: saying that maks us sound wise lol

QueenKay: ikr? And I am NOT wise

MyBoiBryan: Yeh me and you both!

QueenKay: It was fortold

MyBoiBryan: That's your new favorite word, isn't it?

QueenKay: maaaaaaaybe

MyBoiBryan: XD How did I see tha coming?

QueenKay: Idk...your smart?

MyBoiBryan: nah, me nah! I'm not smart!

QueenKay: Me and you both!

MyBoiBryan: Remember our weird conversations?

QueenKay: So, saying fortold 25 million times isn't funny to you XD

MyBoiBryan: if we had a dog barking fortold, It'd be more funny

QueenKay: yeah, I guess that's be more funny in a way

MyBoiBryan: Yeah, I guess so

QueenKay: I just thought of something.

MyBoiBryan: ye?

QueenKay: Shorts and a Skirt is called a Skort. But what is pants in a skirt called?

MyBoiBryan: Uhh....pants in a skirt?

QueenKay: No! We need to make up a name!

MyBoiBryan: Pornts

QueenKay: uhhh no thank you!

MyBoiBryan: what? Why?

QueenKay: I guess you didn't see that 1 word!

MyBoiBryan: oh...I'm blind!

QueenKay: ok...another topic...don't you hate it when a like, 19 or 18 year old....dates a 16 year old?

MyBoiBryan: why?

QueenKay: cause Jack Avery has been dating a 16 year old named Gabriella Gonzalez for 5 months

MyBoiBryan: Isn't that illegal?

QueenKay: I think so yeah!

MyBoiBryan: Then, I wish Mr.Avery good luck!

QueenKay: Yeh!
(Honestly I don't mind about their relationship, I just needed a topic)
QueenKay: Dancin in the mirror, and singin in the shower!

MyBoiBryan: I watch you in the shower!

QueenKay: uhhh wtf

MyBoiBryan: wtf what???

QueenKay: all i said was i sing in the shower...and you WATCH me?

MyBoiBryan: NO NO NO NO

QueenKay: wot?

MyBoiBryam: Lol I meant SING in the shower, idk how it autocorrected to Watch

QueenKay: yeah XD kinda stalker their

MyBoiBryan: mhm wtf arre our conversations

QueenKay: no freakin clue man

Sorry the chapter was so late... I tried but I guess I'm publishing it at....6:31 in the morning cause of school....yaaaaaaaaaaaay

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