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I have a crush. His name, Anthony. (As most of you all know XD) I've liked him for a bit honestly. At first I just liked him. I don't really know what I've been feeling lately. He's just super nice, funny, and even smart. I don't know these days. He's just so nice. We're friends..But I don't know if he feels the same. Sure, he teases me in a funny way, as I tease him back in. And he jokes around with me in Manor's I don't see that he does to anyone else. But I feel like that's what boys do. They tease. It's very weird for boys to usually feel what they'll. If they have a crush, they maybe might be a bit more of a teaser, but that's pretty much it. And for Anthony, he's so nice to everyone that you can't really tell if he's teasing or if he likes you. It's just him. I've only known him a year God damnit! And I already have a crush on em 😂😂 Yeah, I'm a weird person. My friends would know. But like I think I've mentioned once, my friend Trey said Anthony had a huge crush on someone, but I don't think that someone is me honestly. Anthony, if you're reading this...which I highly doubtful you would...why the hell did you search up Bryan Dechart if ya did? But Anthony, bud...I don't know anymore...please like me back? I don't know! His is my first formal crush! I do know what to say XD. Please give me feedback guys. I don't know what to do here 😂

                                                                                                -😊🤗Kay/Kaylee😊🤗 (ma real nayme peeoplee! Iz Kaylee up in here! 😂 I'll go. Love ya guys!)      

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