Fire Hair

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QueenKay: Hey...Mikey?

Michhail: mhm?

QueenKay: remember that moment, 3 years ago?

Michhail: what moment 3 years ago?

QueenKay: when your hair caught on fire?

Michhail: oh...Jesus no! That hurt like hell! I still have a scar!

QueenKay: ohohohoh I know!

Michhail: thank GOD Chal was there to help!

QueenKay: I LITERALLY remember that day like it was yesterday! 😬😞

(Literally 3 years ago later)

Chal, Gia, and I were backstage at the boys's concert. Chal was on her phone, but looking up again and again at the boys. Gia was smiling at how Ash was playing to well. I honestly, was just going deaf from the loudness, no big deal. Just a girl going deaf! That's until Chal gasped and ran on stage, she came back, holding onto Michael, who's head was burning! "Quickly! Something wet!" She yelled, trying to take out the flame forming. I had nothing around me. That's until Chal quickly caught eye with water. She grabbed it, spilling it on his head. Michael was screaming in pain. "Michael, Michael, you'll be ok! You'll be ok!" Chal said, hugging the boy. "Call an Ambulance!" She yelled. The music stopped playing, and the boys ran off stage, backstage. "OH MY GOSH MICHAEL!!" Ashton and Calum yelled. The 2 ran to him. Gia began to call an Ambulance. Luke ran backstage. "Oh no Mike!" He said. Once the Ambulance came, Chal put a wet towel over his burning face. She rode with him in he ambulance, holding his hand. "Ashton, Gia, go on stage and tell them that the show can't go on any longer!" I ordered. The two nodded, running on stage. It left Luke, Calum, and I in the back. Ash and Gia came back, nodding. "Ok, they're all being escorted out!" Gia informed. "Ok, Chal just texted me, they're in the hospital...except." Calum stopped. He looked up from the phone. "Is he ok!?" I yelled. Calum nodded. "He is....except half his face is burnt." Calum said. Gia covered her face. "We have to get to the hospital then!"  Luke exclaimed. We all piled into a car, Ash driving with Gia in the passenger seat. Calum, Luke, and I in the back. "She just texted me again. Aston was too shaken up, so he made the doctors have Chal stay in there with him!" Cal said. We all nodded. Once we got there, we hurried up onto the floor, and the room he was on. We burst in he doors. "Michael!" Gia said, hugging him carefully. "Are you ok!? Did I hurt you?" She asked. He shook his head. "N-n-no i-im-im fin-fine." He said. "Michael, no more fire for your shows, got it?" I asked. He nodded. "What about ice?" Ashton asked. "Not helping." Chal said. Michael laid his head on her shoulder. She wrapped an arm around his torso. Calum looked at the ground. He walked out. "I need to breathe and think about this.." He said. "I'll talk to him." I said. The others nodded. I found him on the hospital balcony. "Hey Cal?" I asked. He looked at me. "Hey Kay." He said. "I know you didn't come out here to just breathe and think." I told him. He nodded. "I didn't..." He said. "Then, why did you come out?" I asked. "Chal and Michael.." he said. I looked at him, confused. "What about them?" I asked. "He leant on her shoulder, she wrapped an arm around him." He said. I thought a moment. "You like her, don't you?" I asked him. He nodded. "That, but I don't like her, I love her." He said. "Well, there probably isn't anything going on between them. He's shaken Cal. He got scared, she was there for him, helping him. She's probably he only one he feels comfortable with right now." I told him. He nodded. "Your right." He said. I smiled. "No problem Cal. I promise I won't tell them, or ANYONE what you just told me." I told him. He hugged me. "Thank you." He said. I pat his back. "Great! Nice talk! Now come on. I bet Michael is wondering where his best guy friend is." I told him.

(3 years into de future later)

QueenKay: how's the scar treating ya?

Michhail: it was a....Scarring moment..

QueenKay: budumn CHING 🥁

Michhail: no pun intended...

QueenKay: so! You happy Chal helped you?

Michhail: she pretty much saved my life..I dog know what would happen if she didn't throw that water at my face..

MyBoiBryan: what?

QueenKay: you weren't there Bryan, you have No clue what we're talking about XD

Michhail: it was 3 years ago. You were definitely not around and so the adrenaline got to me, and I got caught on fire...

MyBoiBryan: WERE a hothead!

QueenKay Budumn CHING 🥁

Michhail: guys...stop..

MyBoiBryan: pun...intended 😎

Yeah...anyone else remember that moment 3 years ago? Poor poor Mikey... My heart broke when I saw him in those badages..Love ya guys!  And more fire!

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