Markiplier Made Me

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QueenKay: I sad

MyBoiBryan: awww why?

QueenKay: i just lost a frand 😭😭


QueenKay: Blame Mark...

MyBoiBryan: what did he do!?

QueenKay: so...he made me lose a friend...

MyBoiBryan: I know. But how?

QueenKay: so, ya know his stream the other day about Felix?

MyBoiBryan: Yeah? What about it?

QueenKay: He made me ask a group chat a question

MyBoiBryan: mhm? What bout?

QueenKay: so...I lost him by..

MyBoiBryan: by?

QueenKay: it's so hard to say...

MyBoiBryan: it's ok hon....take your time.

QueenKay: *sighs*

MyBoiBryan: 😕

QueenKay: ok.. I'm good

MyBoiBryan: I'm all ears...well typing..

QueenKay: I asked him if he was subbed to PewDiePie or T-Series! Ok...there I said it.

MyBoiBryan: God Damnit wtf Kay!

QueenKay: what?

MyBoiBryan: I was actually feeling sad for you!

QueenKay: well...screw your sadness 😛

MyBoiBryan: screw you

QueenKay: gladly

MyBoiBryan: what did you say?

QueenKay: I'll copy and paste it!!

QueenKay: guys?

CoolGuyCal: Everytime you text's gotta be stupid...

Lucomin: Cal...c'mon mate. We are stupid..

FieryAsh: I mean, mostly me ngl.

CliffordTheBigBlondeMichael: hahhahahahahhahahaahahaha totally Ash...

QueenKay: so...this question I may ask could hurt our friendshio

Lucomin: do you have the consent to ask the question?

CliffordTheBigBlondeMichael: NOOOO STOP LUKE!!!

CoolGuyCal: it brings back the horrid memories.

FieryAsh: remember when everyone thought the Australian dude was Michael?

CliffordTheBigBlondeMichael: ASHTON!!!! NO! STOP!!

Lucomin: I mean, we are Australian...our brethren do all look and sound the same

CoolGuyCal: except Michael...he just sounds like a dying teen..

QueenKay: true....but back to the question...guys it pans me to ask this question...but..

FieryAsh: yes? wanna make!e out with me? OK! I'll do it!

CliffordTheBigBlondeMichael: dude...she's like 30...and she's getting married..

Lucomin: jeez Michael...

CoolGuyCal: mate...

FieryAsh:....I've been dating her sister since 8th grade...I'm joking....

CliffordTheBigBlondeMichael: oh.....yeeeaaaaaah

QueenKay: ok....ok....ok....


FieryAsh: don't rush er a$$hole!

CliffordTheBigBlondeMichael: yeah. Dont rush er

CoolGuyCal: yeah! What..they both said...but with a mother f**ker at the end!

QueenKay: Are you subscribed to PewDiePie or T-series....! Ok I said it!

CoolGuyCal: what.the.f**k Kay!

Lucomin: All this ask a stupid a$$ question!!

CliffordTheBigBlondeMichael: I called it was going to be weird!

CoolGuyCal: shut the f**k up! I did a$$hole!

FieryAsh: who the f**k is T-Series?

QueenKay: this is WHY Ash is my favorite outta all of you! He's Chill!

Lucomin: I'm not subbed to T-Series, but I am Pewdiepie.

CoolGuyCal: Yeah, same here

FieryAsh: F**K T-Series!

CliffordTheBigBlondeMichael: I mean, I am subbed to T-Series...and I am also subbed to Felix..

QueenKay: we are no longer friends Mike...

QueenKay logs of chat

CliffordTheBigBlondeMichael: come back...I love you!

FieryAsh: And you guys tell me to chill...

CoolGuyCal: Omg!

Lucomin: He has a girlfriend dipsh*t!

MyBoiBryan: how many other people did you ask...

QueenKay: everyone on my contacts..

MyBoiBryan: God Damnit Kay!!

QueenKay: Ya love me!!

MyBoiBryan: ok...ok ok ok yes I do 🙃😘

QueenKay: Knew it! I actually did this to my friend...he left me on Read. I mean, I leave him on Read all the time for his weird texts to me...but I mean I did deserve it. But I couldn't stop laughing! I died on the floor. Currently my ghost is writing this right now. I love you all so so much! Good night or good day everyone!!

Texting Bryan DechartWhere stories live. Discover now