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"Come on Raegan we gotta get ready for school." I whispered into her ear.

She groaned, turning over and cuddling onto the pillows. I sighed knowing that I would have to fight her to get up. I looked over at Heaven to see her still sound asleep so I didn't have to worry about her yet.

I picked Raegan up and took her to the bathroom to start getting her ready. I sat her on the sink and watched her try to balance her head but all I kept doing was falling backwards and forwards . "I don't wanna go to school." She whined, as I ignored her and ran some warm water on her rag to wash her face off.

"Please icey don't make me go. I wanna stay home with you and daddy." She pouted, with her eyes squinted open. I wiped her face off some more getting the dried up drool and eye boogers off her face.

She clung onto my shirt, laying her head against my chest while I grabbed her toothbrush and put tooth paste on it. By now she was fully awake but she was still whining about how tired she was. "Please?" She pouted, looking at me with those puppy dog eyes and I broke.

"After we finish getting you wiped off and lotioned down, I'll ask daddy." She nodded and turned towards the sink to brush her teeth.

After we both finished our morning hygiene routine, she clung to my hip as I walked into my bedroom and shook the bed to wake Keraun up. He rolled over and looked at us, shaking his head. "She going to school today." He said, causing us both to sigh.

Every morning I try to get him to let her stay home but I never get my way. I turned around, grabbing the clothes I set out for her and walked towards the living room. I sat her down on the couch and helped her put her clothes on. I turned the TV on and let her watch some sponge-bob while I started making breakfast

 I turned the TV on and let her watch some sponge-bob while I started making breakfast

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I had my bacon in the oven and my sausages on the stove. Raegan was at her little table, mixing the pancake mix for me while I put the butter on the pan.

"You're doing so good pooh." She smiled up at me, mixing harder. She stuck her finger in the mix eating some and then looking at me to see if I was watching. "Yeah, I saw you, no more pancake mix." She nodded, smirking at me

"Icey what do you say to someone when they breath stink?" She asked out of no where.

"I wouldn't say anything, I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings. Why?" I asked, watching her strut towards me with the mix. She pulled a chair up beside the stove but not to close to get popped by the grease from the sausages. She climbed up and after settling herself down she said, "My friend Layla was talking to me yesterday and she blew her breathe in my face.... woah. I almost died." She held her chest all dramatic making me bust out laughing. "I slapped her." When I stopped laughing, my mouth was wide open.

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