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We were standing in the lobby of this huge building at eleven o'clock trying to decide what the boys wanted to do. I was down for whatever but I do really like going to the Santa Monica pier at night.

"Why dont we go to the santa Monica pier, no pun intended." I forced a sweet smile. They all gave each other a look as if asking for approval, then nodded.

"Sure!" Jonah said excitedly grabbing the keys from his pocket.

"Well meet up with you, were gonna take our car." Rylie smiled grabbing her keys.

"No come with us theres enough space, we brought the van." Jonah said.

"Ok, fine then." I said nodding. We walked out to the mini van and piled in. I sat in the back in the left side with Ry In the middle and daniel next to her. Corbyn had the aux cord and he had a pretty good taste in music.

There was no parking believe it or not, but eventually we found one after a car left. I wanted a funnel cake so I walked ahead of everyone to get in line for one. As I was waiting I felt a present behind me luckily I was almost to the front. But there was no way in hell i was turning around. Then there was a hand on my shoulder and my body stiffened, but I still didnt turn around. I heard a familiar comforting chuckle.

"Chill it's just me." The voice said. I turned and was relived to see Corbyn. I let out a small smile then heard the clerk shout next. I moved up to the front of the line and ordered what I wanted then gave the lady my money. A couple minutes later she came back with my order I went and sat at a near by table. And Corbyn sat across from me. He didnt have anything with him so I offered him some of mine

"Do you want some?" I asked pushing the plate a little closer to him so he could take the first bite. He smiled and nodded while reaching for the fork. As soon as the fork was in his grasp zach swooped by and snatched it from him.

"If I cant get me girl you won't eaither so I'm here to third wheel." He said looking a little sad while sitting down and pulling the plate closer to him. He pulled a ten dollar bill out of his pocket and gave to me.

"Here you can get yourself another one." He sighed. I took the bill from his hand.

"Did you get rejected?" Corbyn asked. He nodded sadly and I tried to contain my laughter but couldnt so got up and went back to the funnel cake booth and stood in line and ordered all over again but this time got ice cream on it. I went back to the table and sat down.

I saw zach and Corbyn sharing the food they took from me and it was almost gone. When zach saw mine he went in to take some ice cream but I pushed his hand away.

"Heyyyy, that's rude." He said forrowing his eyebrows.

"But you have yours that you stole from me by the way." I replied to his complaint.

"But I just got rejected." He said quivering his bottom lip. I sighed signifying that I have given in.

"YAY!" He said getting a forkful of ice cream then passing it to Corbyn so he Could do the same.

"So what do you wanna do after this?" Corbyn asked. I thought for a moment before answering.

"Let's get on a ride." I said genuinely happy because I love rollar costars. He look around at the ride Luke he was trying to decide wich one he wanted to get on.

"Ok, let's get on the Faris wheel." He said smiling brightly. My smile faded because i hated those. I don't know why, I will get on any ride except a Faris wheel, even a baby one.

"No I hate those there scary." I whined. Both boys started laughing hysterically. I was confused so just sat there and finished my funnel cake.

We continued to talk about random things when we heard a girl scream. We all looked around confused and then we saw a group of tweenage girls running twoards us. They all had there phone out and were recording. I assumed they were fans and looked at the boys. They were smiling ear to ear.

They hugged all the girls and took pictures but more kept coming and they didnt leave. Eventulky we were swarmed with fans so I texted rylie to find out they were to.

Alisa🦖: Where r u were getting swarmed

Ry💜: Us 2

Alisa🦖: Meet at the car?

Ry💜: Yah be there

They were still trying to take pictures with everyone but there was to many people and some of the booth owners were getting mad.

"Boys we gotta go, the others are gonna meet us at the car." They nodded and we tried to push through the screaming crying girls. We eventually made it to the car and the others were already inside talking to fans through the windows. We hopped in and took off.

"If you guys want you can crash at our place since it's closer." I offered. Jonah looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"If you dont mind we would live to." He replied.

"Of course." I smiled then we took off and I gave him our address.

Soon were were finally at our apartment. When we walked in the door monitor who weve gotten to know pretty well and become friends with, gave us a stern look. I dont blame him, what do you expect when two teenage girls who live alone bring home five good looking teenage boys at one o'clock in the morning.

I gave him a reassuring nod the we continued up the elavator. Ry opened the door with her key and all the boys spread around the couch, they looked dead tired. I quickly grabbed two air mattress and the pump and started blowing them up. Jonah soon came to help me and it took about twenty minutes.

When we were done we moved the coffee table to the side of the room and put the mattresses side by side. Daniel and jonah took those while jack and zach hit the couches. There was nowhere for Corbyn and he stood there like a doof with the blanket and pillow Ry had given him. I laughed to myself at the stupid little face he had on, his lips were in a pursed smile and he was facing the floor staring off into the distance.

"Corbyn theres a extra bed in my room, you can take that." The boys didnt hollar anything and I think they were to tired to. I walked to the stairs and Corbyn followed me rylie was already in her room asleep.

I opened the door and let Corbyn talkin in ahead of me, my room was simple and basic this is what it looks like👇

I opened the door and let Corbyn talkin in ahead of me, my room was simple and basic this is what it looks like👇

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The living room looked like this👇

(Pretend the bottom white chair is another gray couch and theres a door on the right and left side upstairs each is a girls room

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(Pretend the bottom white chair is another gray couch and theres a door on the right and left side upstairs each is a girls room. Also the wall in wich the pic doesn't show is a full window)

I crawled into the top bunk and he went into the bottom. I went out as soon as my head hit the pillow and went into deep sleep.


Word count: 1261

So I am and having some personal issues right now and I don't know when I'll be updating that's why this is late...anyways the new 8 letters music video is amazing

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