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We were on our way to Atlantic studios where the boys were going to record. We walked into the building and were told to go into a meeting room.There was jonah and zach waiting by thenselves.

"What's happening?" Rylie asked and the two boys looked up at us.

"Were having a meeting with management. The others will be back from the studio in a bit." He said to us. I nodded and grabbed a seat next to him. We all just sat and used our phones.

Like 15 minutes later the rest of the boys walked in and there manager was right behind them and she looked PISSED. I was a little worried and quickly put my phone down.

They all sat down in there seats and the meeting started.

"Ok so I dont know what's going on between you boys and these girls but it need stop stop immediately." She said looking back and forth between me and Ry.

"What do you mean?" Jonah asked.

"The fans are going crazy because of the picture of rylie and Daniel in the restaurant and Corbyn and alisa in the streets. This is not good for publicity." She prettymuch yelled. She was really mad and you can see the veins popping out of her head.

"Now are you guys official or is it a little fling?" She said trying to be a little more calm. We all just looked at eachother.

"This is none of our buisness so we should probably leave jonah said clearly kicking Jack's leg under the table and glaring at zach. They both quickly nodded and left the room. I looked at corbyn and he looked back at me.

That was the last time I saw him. In that meeting room. After we left I got a call that my boss was home early and we didnt have to work for them anymore.

I started college and now I have a small clothing line. I moved out of the apartment because it wasnt convenient for me. Rylie and Daniel did get together but we dont really talk that much since I moved.

I mainly hang out with Sally and shawn now. And I got a boyfriend, his name is noah. Life has been going good for me. Every once and a while the depressing thoughts come back but when they do i just go out and party to forget them. I know its not good but that's the only thing keeping me sane.


2 yrs later

I'm 21 now and my clothing line is taking off. Im very successful and my relationship is still going strong. Me and rylie have drifted apart and I havent seen or talked to her in like 6 months.

I think I'll be okay. Things are starting to look up for me. But Corbyn will always have a special place in my heart.

He was the one who stopped me from ending it all the few years ago. He saved my life.

The end.


I'm sorry about the ending. Im just not inspired to write anymore. Im also losing views so that doesn't help. If this picks some views up again I write some more of the having like a reunion or sum like that but for now this is it.

No offense Ry it just made sense that you would drift apart.

This is also going up ine day early so that I can get it over and done with. Make sure to go check out my other book Daniel seavy fan fic to.

Peace out toes

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