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Alisas P.O.V

I woke up the next morning huddled in a ball with a ln arm around me. I was freezing. There was a dim grayish colored light coming from outside so I looked up. The sky was a dark grey and I could tell it was going to rain.

I shifted trying to get more comfortable but remembering that I was on the living room floor. I groaned wanting warmth and comfort.

"What's wrong?" I heard a raspy groggy voice said. (It is my goal in life to hear that) I looked to my right and saw Corbyn.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you?" I asked him in a whisper so that I dont wake the others.

"No, don't worry about it. You wanna go to your bed." He asked. I nodded and we got up. I grabbed my phone from my hoddie pocket. It was about 6:30 so we could sleep a bit longer.

When we got in the room we both went up to the top bunk and layed together. I nuzzled my face into my pillow as he pulled me into his side. He placed a sweet kiss on my forehead as I slowly drifted back into sleep.

What seemed like only minutes after I heard a huge bang coming from outside. I jumped from the sudden sound. I quickly looked out the window and saw it was raining pretty hard. The sound was just thunder but it scared the living shit out of me.

I sighed and looked to my side to se Corbyn clammy laying there looking at.

"How did that not scare you?" I asked him.

"Because I've heard thunder before. And I've been awake for a while." He smiles at me. He always has a smile on. He made me smile. I rested my head back into the pillow.

"How bout we go in a hike in the rain?" I suggested. "I know a really good place.

"Ok but were going to have to take Daniel cause hell get mad if he finds out we didn't take him." I nodded and let my body rest int he comfortable bed a few more minutes.

A buzz came from corbyns phone meaning he got a text. He grabbed his phone and looked at it then sighed. Oh no what does that mean.

"I have to go to the studio in a hour and a half." He sighed. I nodded to him and he pulled me into him so that my face was in his chest. I took a deep breath taking in the smell of his colone. Its weird that weve only known eachother gir a short while but this was so natrul.

He let me go then got out of the bed and left the room. He probably went to wake up the rest of the guys so they could leave. I hot up to and put my slides on and went downstairs to the kitchen to make some coffee.

As I I'm walking down the stairs I see Corbyn snaking them one by one over the head with a pillow. I just laughed to myself and continued doing what I was doing.

When my cup of coffee was ready jonah walked in the kitchen with a smirk.

"I smell something." He said. I grabbed a mug from the cabinet and passed it to some he could get coffee from the coffee machine. He smiled happy and got his warm drink ready.

We calmly stood in the kitchen on our phones as the others yelled at eachother because they didnt want to wake up. Well only zach and jack didnt want to wake up.

Ryli dramatically groaned and went upstairs. HOLY SHIT WHY HAVEN'T I THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE?!?!

I'm going to target today and am going to buy a small inflatable bouncy castle and put it at the bottom of the stairs. I'll also buy some balls to put in it and we can jump inside from upstairs.

I smiled to myself proudly. I quickly grabbed my laptop from its bag near the front door. It's been a while since I used this thing. I seen that I had a notification from the college I'm trying to get into. It came in last night.

I have to admit im nervous as hell right now. I decided not to make this a big deal and to just open it.

I got in...

I GOT IN! YES YES YES YES YES. I started jumping up and down exited that I got into my dream college. Hopefully all the hard work that I've been doing for years us finally going to pay off.

"What the hell?" Jonah said while he grabbed the coffe cup so it doesn't spill.

"I GOT IN!" I screamed. He gave me a slight smile.

"Congrats, but what did you get into." He asked curiously. That's right nobody knew about this except for Corbyn.

"Wait you got in!" Corbyn said excitedly from the other room. I nodded rapidly and he ran over to hug me tight. We jumped up and down together as everyone gave us weird looks.

"Well remember like a month ago when someone broke in. Well I met that guy at an interview for a college that I've really wanted to get into. And they sent me and email last night saying that I was accepted."

"Omg I'm so happy for you." Daniel said being the next one to give me a huge hug. Soon we were all in a group hug.

"Well we gotta go but we need to clebrate soon. Also make sure your at Atlantic int wo hours." Jonah said. I sighed and jonah laughed at me

"Fine." Now I can't get my bouncy castle. That's ok I guess. Works more important but i will be doing it soon. Believe me.

As all the boys trailed out the door I heard a trio of good byes and peace outs. I went upstairs to tell rylie that we needed to get ready.


Umm heyyyyy.

Its not that late but I'm tired af rn but still not gonna got to sleep and write more as I listen to fetus WDW:)

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