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Corbyns P.O.V

I woke up to light peeking through the curtains. I opened my eyes a little to see the other two boys werent in there beds. I rolled over on my side feeling another body next to me. I jumped a little turning around to see a frightened alisa next to me. Thats right we shared a bed last night. But what happens to the pillow wall.

"Good morning." I said awkwardly. She smiled.

"Good morning." She replied.

"You see this situation is kinda weird but I'm not a morning person and dont mind the awkwardness so I'm staying here." I stated.

"Same." She replied.

"Wait really? We can be lazy together." I said holding my hand out. She giggled and high fived me.

"Do you think Dan and Ry are cute together?" She asked.

"Yeah there like goals. Bro one day I wish to have a relationship like that." I said as the pain returned from when my ex cheated on me. Kinda have issues trusting gurls now.

"I dont know, having a perfect relationship never seemed like a priority to me." She said.

"Why not?" I said turning my body so that I can see her better.

"I dont know call me a hoe if you want but I never liked the idea of being tied down to one person. I like exploring." She explained as her eyes began to sparkle.

"I definitely understand, but what if one day you find a person to explore with you, who doesn't want to tie the you down?" I questioned. She shrugged. I took that as a sign she dudnt want to talk about it anymore.

She started to hum a familiar tune. As I listed I could tell it was this town bh naill horan. I hummed along with her. Evetulky they turned to mumbles the to whispers. Before we know it we were singing pretty loud. Then I started singing another one.(ok so I noticed while editing that the son below is soml by on direction. Why did no one tell me this??? I feel like a fake fan😪)

"Writen in these walls are the stories that I cant explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

She told me in the morning she didnt feel the same about us in her bones
Seems to me that when I die the words will be writen on my stone

And I'll be gone gone tonight beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holding on to tight with nothing in between"

We sang together. She was really good. She was a businesswoman, clothes designer, singer. What else could she do?

I looked into her eyes. They sparked, must be something that happens when she does it talks about something she loves.

"Ok I think I'm awake now." She giggled jumping off the bed.

"C'mon let's do something." She said pulling my arm. I sat up and pouted. She grabbed my foot and pulled me off the bed. I fell on the bed creating a loud thud but it didnt hurt that much cause my thick ass cushioned it.

She ran over to me pulling me in hug and apologizing.

"Hey, hey chill it didn't hurt that much calm down I'm fine." I laughed at her worry.

"Oh thank god." She sighed deeply. I stood up and held my hand out for her. I pulled her up and we walked downstairs together. I looked around and didnt see anybody except for jack yelling at zach while he played fortnite.

"Hey jachary, wheres everyone else?" I asked.

"They said you two were lazy and we were boring so they left." I looked at alisa who giggled again. She laughed alot but not in a bad way.

"Hey I think ima go get some clothes then come back to get rylie." She said walking to the door. "Corbyn I'll be back with your clothes in and hour and a half." She finished. I nodded and watched her leave.

Alisas P.O.V

I got in the car and put the key in the ignition then pulled out.

Reality is A.▪Corbyn BessonWhere stories live. Discover now