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We arrived at the boys house with there chipotle and ours. I knocked on the door with my free hand cause damn these boys eat alot. When zach awnsered the door he grabbed two of the bags and ran back into the house. There was still three more to be taken in.

We continued through the house to see the boys freaking out cause not all the food was there.

"Hey guys, chill theres more right here." Jack, jonah, and Daniel rushed over for there food to.

"What's the extra burrito and guac for, can I eat that to?" Zach asked. I lugged grabbing the extra from his hand. I grabbed my burrito and passed rylie her guac and chips.

"Oh." He pouted.

We all just stood around the kitchen leaning on the counter and stuff not actually sitting. We ate and talked at the same time. I almost choked on my food a few times because of the jokes that were being passed around.

"Hey so were planning on launching our new merch and were going to give you guys some credit, but also would you like to model some of the clothes?" Daniel asked.

"I'm down." I said looking at rylie.

"Same here." She said.

"Dope so I hit up zack and see when he do the shoot." Jonah said. I nodded and continued the conversation. Weve been here for a while ant it was starting to get dark.

"Hey rylie you ready to go yet?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded. She said her goodbyes to Daniel separately AGAIN. (Damn rylie get it)

"Hey guys me and rylie are gonna go now before its dark. I dont wanna drive down the mountain at night." I said.

"No please dont gooo!"

"Its boring here!"

"Can I go with you!"

"Let's have a sleepover!"

All the boys yelled at once. I laughed at them while they stared at me with pleading eyes. "Guys I dont have any clothes for tomorrow or pajamas." I said as a lame excuse knowing very well that there was gonna be a sleep over either here or at my house.

"But please." Zach said with oupptly eyes.

"How about you get your things and come with us." I said.

"YAYYYY!" He said and jumped over the couch to run upstairs.

"Can we come." Jonah asked.

"Sure but you guys have to go in your own car." I said.

"But it's only gonna be zach in the back?" Corbyn said in a questioning tone.

"1. You guys are not all gonna fit in the back. 2. I pretty sure if you all go rylies gonna wanna take Daniel with us." He nodded understanding.

Zach came back down the stairs with a duffel bag and at the same time Daniel and Rylie showed up out of nowhere.

"Hey lisa, daniels coming with us. Ok?" She said

"I knew it, also the rest of the boys are going to." I said. She nodded and went to stand by the front door while the boys gathered there things. Me and zach stood near her waiting.

"Lisa is a cool nickname." Corbyn said. While walking down the stairs.


The rest of the boys came and I sat in the drivers seat of my car with zach beside me. Rylie and Daniel were in the back and the other boys were in there car.

They followed us to our apartment which was pretty far from the boys house. We got to the parking garage and entered the building. Rylie unlocked and opened the door for us. Shes my servant that's why.(lol sorry rylie🤣)

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