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I changed my clothes again when I went home to something more formal...kinda. This is what I wore👇

I dont really care what anyone thinks of it I find it cute but I know alot of people wont. Lately I've been really embracing my live for fashion. This past year I've been doing a lot o

f shopping and building my collection of clothes

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f shopping and building my collection of clothes. As if right now I own a few designer products, but not an excessive amount.

I decided to keep my Dock Martin's on and did my makeup. This is what I did👇

 This is what I did👇

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II checked the time. The campus was only 45 minutes away but its rush hour right now so it could take me up to two and a half hours depending in how traffic is.

"Ry I'm going to that interview I told you about a while ago I'll be back soon." I said walking into her room. I saw her getting ready for something. It looked fancy. "OoOoOo WhErE aRe YoU GoInG?" I asked knowing it was probably a date.

She blushed." Daniel's taking me to this fancy restaurant and your not gonna believe which one." She smirked.

"Damn it rylie, you know I dont like fancy food but I only that one Chinese restaurant called tasty garden and if your going there I'm not coming home." I said clearly annoyed and a little jealous.

"Well then it looks like your not coming home." She said looking back at her mirror where she was finishing up her eyeshadow.

"At least daniels gonna win because my bestfriends look like a SHNACK!" I screamed the last part then quickly ran out of the room down the stairs into that hall and to the parking garage where my car is.

I sat in about an hour of traffic before I got there and was almost late, but luckily wasnt. I looked around at the prestige scenery and felt like I wasnt good enough to be here. But if I wasnt they wouldnt have even given me this interview I kept telling myself. I pushed the thought to the back of my head as I continued to walk to the main building. I told the office lady my name and she gave me directions to a waiting room.

I walk in and sit on a chair, moments later a boy about my age walks in he light colored eyes but I cant exactly tell what color. Hes tall, had a sharp jawline, bomb ass hair cut, and was staring at me. My stomach almost fell out of my ass.

Reality is A.▪Corbyn BessonWhere stories live. Discover now