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I woke up to a bunch of noise coming from downstairs. I turn over on my side to see Corbyn still there asleep. Some how in the middle of the night he wormed his way over here and wrapped his arms around me.

I didn't mind it. I layed there for a few minutes until I heard a cough coming from one of the other boys bed. I didnt know they were in here I thought they were down stairs already. My lazy ass just ignored it and closed my eyes again. The person coughed again but it was more clear that they were just trying to get my attention.

I picked my head up and saw jack and jonah sitting on Jonah's bed recording us with their phones. I quickly put my head back in my pillow, then I heard there chuckles. I rolled out of the bed, like litterly, and sat on the floor out of their view.

"Hey, you woke up your boyfriend." Jack said. I look up at Corbyn and see him looking back at me. I blushed really hard.

"Your not gonna deny I'm your boyfriend?" He smirked making me blushed even harder.

"Hes not my boyfriend." I said sitting back down on the floor to hide my blush. It didnt really work since jonah still pointed it out.

"Then why did you look like a tomato? Do you want him to be your boyfriend?" Jonah asked. But I'm smart enough not to awnser that question. I kinda do but wanna say no but if I say no hes gonna think I don't like him, but if I say yes hes might think I'm leading him on but I'm not because weve only known each other for a few weeks.

"There is no right awnser to that question is there?" I asked still hiding.

"Nope." Jonah said, then they got up and walked out leaving us here alone. I got back in the bed and pulled the sheets over my head. I felt Corbyn poke my stomach making me squeal like a pig.

"Why did you poke me?" I asked pouting.

"I just wanted to know how your interview went."

"I think It went well, I think I might get in." I said a little excited.

"Oh yeah, you never told me what the interview was for."

"Oh yeah huh, it was for a fashion college not to far from here."

"Really, wait are you gonna be living in campus?"

"No I think I'll stay in my apartment with Ry."

"I think we should go out." He suggested. My eyes widened slightly and I didnt awnser.

"As friends like all of us." He said saving himself. I nodded yes.

"Let's go right now. Where do you wanna go?"

"I dont know."

"Bro really?" He giggled. And when I say giggle I mean giggle it wasnt a manly chuckle it was legit a giggle.

"C'mon." He said.

We went downstairs together looking like we were just in a tornado. When we reached the bottom of the stairs everyone looked at us.

"What?" Corbyn asked them.

"Nothing." Daniel replied,then looked away at his phone.

Rylies P.O.V

This morning we all woke up to our phones blowing up. Mines was from both mine and alisa family and friends. They were asking the who the guys the girls were with were.

The boys was from the fandom completely losing there shit and managment confused as fuck and a little pissed. We went onto Instagram and saw fan accounts posting pictures of Alisa and Corbyn walking the streets together, and me and Daniel sitting near the window inside of the restraunt last night.

It's not that I didnt want people to know about us it's just that were not official and what if things dont work out then that will just be embarrassing. I havent really talked to Daniel about this either.

Alisa and Corbyn came down the stairs looking really peppy. We all stared at them. I wanted to know why they were all happy but at the same time I wanted to tell them about what was happening, since they obviously didn't know.

"What?" Corbyn asked us.

"Nothing." Daniel said from across the room. I looked at him and he looked at me in return, then I looked away.

Alisas P.O.V

There was a really weird vibe in the room but I ignored it. I went and sat next to rylie in the bar stools in the kitchen.

"Hey why are you guys acting so weird?" I kinda Laughed.

"You havent looked at your phone yet have you?"


"Where is it?"

"In corbyns room."

"Go get it." I nodded then ran up the stairs to his room. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and ran back stairs.


Word count: 805

Sorry it's short but I just have been feeling really good lately and I dont wanna use my phone all day like I used to but there will be another short chapter tomorrow night

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