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I opened my eyes and it was dark still. I grabbed my phone from under my pillow and the time 4:07. I quickly put the blinding light away and noticed an armed around my waste. I freaked out for a moment before remembering the boys spent the night and it was just corbyn.

I had to go to the restroom so I slid out of his grip and went down the ladder. I went to the bathroom and did my buisness then went back to my room.

"Why did you leave me?" He asked in a deep raspy voice. I crawled in the bed next to him and he wrapped his arm around me. "I had to use the restroom." I finally awnsered.

I looked up at him and smiled. He leaned in for a quick kiss in the lips. When he pulled away I wanted another one so I kissed him again. This time it lasted longer. He kicked my bottom lip asking for permission. I gave it to him.

We started to make out until we heard zach stirring in the bead beneath us. I quickly pulled away from him with my eyes wide hoping we didnt get caught. Then his movement stopped and I relaxed.

I put my face in his shoulder and get put an arm around my waist. I slowly drifted off to sleep as he played with my hair.

A few hours later I woke up to the sun shinning in my face and a empty bed beside me. I look around the room and there is nobody here with me. I was kinda confused cause it still wasnt that late.

I crawl down the stairs on my bunk and slide on my sandals the head downstairs to the living room. I see zach sitting there watching TV by himself.

"Hey zach." I said sitting next to him.

"Hey." He replied softly then looking down at his thumbs wich he was playing with.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Last night I heard you and Corbyn talking..." I felt my cheeks flush red at the thought of him hearing out little conversation.

"And it hit me that I would never have that." He continued.

"Zach, why would you say that." I said putting a hand on his shoulder as the tears welled up in his eyes.

"Because, you know the rumor that was going around saying I was in a groupie. Well now every girl I meet thinks I'm some man whore in capable of love but I'm not, I was never in a groupie, and I'm not a whore." He said the last part while breaking down into tears on my shoulder.

"Its ok, let it out. I promise you I'll find you someone."

"I just want a girl that I can come home to from a long day and talk to, and we can go on fun dates together and have movie nights. It doesn't have to be about sex."

"I know, and I know that your a good person that would never want to break anyone's heart."

"Thank you, alisa." He said finally calming down.

"Of course, trust me I understand what your going through. I know what it feels like to have the world against you and even your closest friends dont relize. I know all to well." I said trying to not let the feeling if sadness over come me but it was to late. Seeing zach like that made me realize how cruel this world is to ruin a 17 year olds love life and reputation.

I leaned back into the couch zach going along with me. He kept his head in my shoulder. That feeling of depression and tiredness came back to me. I hate that this sweet boy feels like this. I make me feel terrible for letting him feel like this even though there nothing I can do to stop it.

I slowly start to fall back asleep while running my hand through his hair in a soothing matter. Eventully I'm back asleep with zach cuddling into my side asleep also.



"Can you not tell anyone about this please?"

"Of course." The I was out

Corbyns P.O.V

Me and everyone else except for alisa and zach went to the super maker to buy stuff to make for breakfast. We were heading back to the house right now and since jonah and rylie were the only ones who could cook they were going to make us some food.

I think it was gonna be an omelette but I want pancakes. Jonah wasnt gonna make then though cause he is stubborn.

Rylie opened the door and we we all walked in. Everyone in front of me stopped and turned around.



Word count:798

I don't have anything to say.

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