I Don't Want To Be Alone (2)

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This is my last update before my break from the internet :D I thought I'd post part 2 today even though the first one only came out yesterday. If I didn't update it today you'd have to wait a week and I'm not that mean. (Not that anyone is really reading this.)

"Let me see him! Please!" Marvin screamed but JJ was holding one arm and Jackieboy Man the other to prevent him from running forward.

Tears streamed down his face but the doctor just kept repeating, "Sir, please calm down. We are doing everything we can." His voice was too calm for the situation and that just irritated Marvin even further. His best friend was on the verge of death and his voice remained monotone. Did he even care?

"Why would he do this? To Stacy? To me? To all of us?" Marvin's voice was barely coherent through all of the hiccups and cries but the rest of the egos understood his pain.

Jackieboy Man had dried tears on his cheeks whilst JJ, Anti and Henrik were keeping strong for the sake of poor Marvin. Stacy was silent as she sat a couple of metres away from the group, her leg bouncing up and down with impatience. She didn't seem upset as such; just shocked. It was expected since she had been the one to find her husband on the floor of their bedroom, his heart barely beating. Had she gone too far? She hadn't anticipated him... attempting to take his own life...

"If you found him any later, he'd be gone for sure. I think he'll be okay though, thanks to you." That's what they had said. She had saved his life. Hopefully.

After around half an hour of waiting, Stacy got up and silently shoved pieces of paper into all of the ego's hands. Marvin tried to push it away, mumbling about how he wasn't in the mood to read but she insisted. She kept one to herself, gripping it tightly like it would disappear at any moment.

Each of the ego's unfolded the notes and gasped as they recognised the messy writing. Chase.


I know we weren't too close and you probably just saw me as an annoying younger brother but I did think you were cool. You were always the coolest person I knew and I looked up to you (I know right, looking up to a demon... probably not a good idea!).

I remember a few years ago you and Dark were going through some rough times. I walked into your room and found you crying on your bed. I asked you if you were okay and you yelled at me to "fuck off". Nice language. I didn't leave and I'm so glad I didn't because it meant I got to see a different side of you.

You poured your heart out to me about everything and how you felt unloved and unappreciated. I tried to hug you but you shoved me away. I refused to give up and eventually you let me hug you. I told you I appreciated and loved you and I do :) I'm so proud of you, Anti. I'm sorry if I was really annoying all the time but I'm glad you felt you could open up to me.

Just... know you can trust the others, okay? You don't need to bottle everything up and now that I'm gone, talk to them. Please.

I love you, Anti.


Anti scrunched up the paper and stood up. He furiously walked to the bathroom, rubbing at his eyes and refusing to cry.

"You're such an idiot, Chase!" He screamed, harshly kicking the wall. The pain barely phased him since he had been through a lot worse, considering he was famously known as an evil demon.

JJ's reaction to his letter was to slowly fold it up and slip it into his pocket. He let out a shaky breath before slouching slightly and putting his head into his hands. A few tears escaped but he remained as strong as possible so he could support his friends who were dealing with the news a lot worse. Jackieboy Man was in shock as he leant his head onto JJ's shoulder, unable to comprehend that he may never see his best friend's smile ever again.

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