Lighten Up

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I didn't realise it had been so long since I updated this book :/ I apologise!!

TW: Mentions of rape? No actual rape but it's talked about. Manipulation.

I think JJ is asexual in this. I didn't think that originally when I wrote it but now that I read it back, I'm getting ace vibes. You don't have to interpret it that way though :P

"Jameson," The girl cupped Jameson's chin and smiled so sweetly that JJ could almost taste the honey on his lips. "Be a dear and make me a cup of tea?" JJ paused for a moment, glancing between his feet that were comfortably sat on top of the sofa and his girlfriend's face. Her cheeks were a soft pink and she was in no way being threatening. She was just asking him to do a favour.

JJ stood up and the comfort was lost. He headed into the kitchen and pulled out a single mug.


JJ was sat on the sofa in between Henrik and Chase, laughing loudly at a joke that Chase had made. Chase was sitting opposite them, holding a can of beer in his hands and sipping at it every so often. Marvin was on the ground at Chase's feet, leant up against the sofa as he overlooked Chase's beer intake. He wasn't worried in particular; more protective. JJ's phone began to buzz in his pocket and he pulled it out, eyes scanning the text message.

Apologetically glancing at his friends, he got up onto his feet and signed a simple, 'I need to pick Emily up'. He then rushed out of the house, nearly forgetting to grab his coat on the way out. "Can't she get the bus?" Chase questioned, following JJ right to the front door.

JJ just shook his head and didn't admit that Emily's excuse was just that she couldn't be bothered.


"Guess what!" Emily exclaimed rather enthusiastically, taking a seat in front of JJ and placing a hand on his thigh. He glanced down at it, nervously shrugging his shoulders. He could feel himself paling but hoped Emily wouldn't notice or ask. "I have the afternoon off work so we have some free time... alone." She emphasised the final word but it didn't make JJ any more comfortable.

'Actually, Emily I-' JJ signed but Emily cut him off.

"Yes, Jameson?" Emily leaned forward, her hand on JJ's thigh making its way slowly upwards and she leaned so close JJ could feel her breath on his cheek. She was breathing so slowly and calmly compared to JJ who was rather erratic by that point.

'I don't think-'

"Come on... I'm hardly ever free." JJ could feel his heart beating much faster than normal as his stomach did a back flip. JJ generally hated saying no but it made it even harder when the other person refused to take a hint.

'I know but I have things to do...'

"Do them later. They aren't important," Emily leaned forward and pressed her soft lips into JJ's. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer and hardly noticed how much the man's body was trembling. After pulling back for a single moment, she kissed him again whilst her hands moved elsewhere- to his chest underneath his shirt. "Why are you so tense, love? Lighten up a little. You want this, right?" Her wide eyes that seemed so innocent and concerned, despite the situation, just made JJ swallow back the words he wanted to say. Instead, he just stared at her like a deer caught in headlights. JJ's phone rang, almost giving him a heart attack but simultaneously saving the day.

He reached for it and sent Emily a tiny apologetic smile. He hated that he was secretly celebrating the timing of the message.


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