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Description: Chase knew he wouldn't have gotten drunk by choice... so why did he wake up with the world's worst hangover?

TW: Attempted rape, Chase's drink gets spiked and anxiety.

"No, drugs or drinking, okay? Not that there should be any drugs around." Jack commanded, folding his arms to show how serious he was. Chase rolled his eyes and leant on the table behind him.

"Yes, dad." He replied in a sarcastic tone but Jack didn't laugh. His lips formed a thin, straight line before he spoke up again.

"This is serious. I care about you."

"I know but I'm not a kid, dude. I can look after myself."

"Promise me you won't drink?"

"I promise." As much as Chase had been joking around, he had meant it and he planned to do everything he could to keep the promise.


Chase placed his cup of water down with a short sigh. Jackieboy Man was extremely drunk and dancing with some random person he had most likely never met before and, although it was amusing to Chase, he wished that was him. He remembered what it felt like to drown your sorrows in alcohol until you didn't feel anything except a buzz that helped you forget. He remembered the nights where he'd shut himself in his room and down whisky until he passed out and didn't have a single memory of the night before. He remembered the numbness that enveloped him and prevented him from feeling all of the pain he had been through.

He left the cup on the table as he headed into the bathroom for a short moment. When he returned, he took a sip of the water and sat on the sofa, going back to watching Jackieboy Man's crazy dancing. He let out a small laugh and downed the rest of the liquid without thinking anything of it.


Chase remembered how it felt to be drunk. It was nice. The colours around him seemed much brighter and the music much louder, making everything all the more enjoyable. He didn't need to worry about what he said or did so he ended up dancing next to a random friend of Jack's. His name was Aaron or Aiden or something but it didn't matter. Chase just wanted to dance and forget for one night.

Aaron was rather touch-y. He had his arm lazily wrapped around Chase's waist as they swayed and yelled the lyrics to a random One Direction song. Their rendition involved a lot of the wrong lyrics but it wasn't like they were going to be judged on the X-Factor or something. It was all for fun. At one point, Aaron's hand clasped Chase's and he pulled him upstairs. Chase was giggling at nothing as he followed, stumbling into someone's bedroom- Jack's maybe. Not that it mattered.

Barely aware of what was going on, Chase was pushed down onto the bed and Aaron was hovering over him. Aaron leant down and started to kiss his neck, all while Chase was too drunk to think about what was happening. Chase's shirt was then pulled off of him, leaving his bare chest exposed to the warm air. Aaron's hands moved further down to Chase's waistline. "What are you doing?" Chase giggled, voice slurred. He had no idea what was about to happen.

Aaron didn't reply as he unbuttoned Chase's skinny jeans. Suddenly, a voice yelled, "What the fuck?" Both men turned to the doorway to see Jack standing there, hands covering his eyes. His shirt had a giant wet patch across the front so it was clear why he had come upstairs to his bedroom.

"Sorry, dude," Aaron started, standing up and running a hand through his messy hair. "We'll take this somewhere else." His large hand then intertwined with Chase's to pull him up onto his feet. Chase was still giggling at absolutely nothing, making his state obvious.

"Chase? Are you drunk?" Jack questioned, his drenched shirt forgotten. He walked over to his friend and, sure enough, the man stunk of alcohol. "I told you not to drink. Why didn't you listen?"

"He's not a child. He knows what he can handle." Aaron tried to tug Chase out of the room but Jack shook his head and stopped him.

"Aaron go. Chase needs to stay with me." Aaron rolled his eyes but followed the order and left the room. "Chase, what happened?"

"Nothing. I'm tired, Jackie..." Chase's eyes slowly closed, making Jack slightly worried he would fall asleep standing up. He helped the man get into bed and pulled the covers over him.

"You can sleep now, okay? But we need to talk about this in the morning."

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