Blood. (2)

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I've had a long few days and I just want to start posting one shots that aren't already on my AO3

Chase was back to the days when he had been an alcoholic. The first time he had drank too much was back when him and Stacy were in the prime time of their arguments. Chase would always get kicked out of their apartment after drinking way too much. Stacy would have had to call someone to pick him up because she refused to keep the drunk man in the  house, especially around the kids.

The egos had helped him get back onto his feet and conquer his alcohol problem but he had relapsed again. He just really loved to forget the problems that constantly haunted his sober-self.

"Anti! Anti, Anti, Anti!" Chase giggled, wrapping his arms around the demon's neck. He found a lot of amusement in dragging out the last syllable of his name whilst Anti just appeared extremely unimpressed at the childish behaviour. Anti was the one who had found him that time. He was in his bedroom, an empty bottle of whisky in front of him and his phone in his hands. He had the keypad open as if he was about to call a number but Anti had found him before he had typed anything passed the  first two digits. Anti had generously lifted him up onto his bed and that was how Chase managed to cling to him like some sort of koala. 

"Get the fuck off of me." Anti grumbled but Chase didn't seem to budge. He rolled his eyes before bringing his hands up to Chase's wrists and grabbing them. He gently pulled them away from his neck so that Anti was free again. Chase was weak in his drunken state so it was easy to pry him off of him.

Chase literally passed out as soon as his head touched his pillows. Anti frowned at his sleeping figure, watching him for a moment before going back down into the living room to join the other egos. It wasn't often Anti felt concerned for another being but, in that moment, he felt just that.


JJ was cleaning up the house since all of the other egos were too lazy to do it. He had gone into Marvin's room, unimpressed by how messy it was. His clothes were covering the floor so that the carpet was invisible and random props for his magic were scattered in the most random places. Eventually he did clean it so he moved onto the next ego's room.


He put away the laundry first, despite not really knowing where Chase kept anything. He easily found the man's draws for his shirts and trousers. He opened up the top draw of a smaller chest of draws in search for Chase's socks but his mouth dropped open at what he found. A gun. He reached in and grabbed it, looking over both shoulders before he did so. He then left the socks and the other bits of washing he hadn't gotten to on the ego's bed so he could go tell the others about what he had found and ask them what they knew.


Chase exited the bathroom, actually feeling kind of okay for once in his life. He entered his room and brushed his wet hair but it wasn't long before he noticed the draw. It had been left open and was obviously empty. "Shit." Chase muttered, knowing that was exactly where he had left his gun. Someone had found it and taken it. He glanced at the laundry on his bed and knew immediately who it had been. JJ. He was the only ego who ever cleaned up the house.

Before he could do anything, Anti had shown up in his room, looking fairly irritated. His hands gripped Chase's collar as he shoved the man against the wall. "Why the fuck would you do this?!" He was yelling and it immediately sent a shiver down Chase's spine. "You know how much we care about you! You can't do this again..." He struggled in Anti's grip until he somehow broke free. He then sprinted to the bathroom, shoving passed the other egos who were just coming up the hall. He locked the door behind him and rushed to the sink. He grabbed his razor and dropped down to sit on the floor with his back against the door.

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