Spiked (2)

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Jack appeared to be the only person who was almost fully sober before the night ended. He had sipped at a single can of beer all night whilst Jackieboy Man had drank more shots than anyone could ever imagine and Marvin had done the same. Everyone else had just had drink after drink after drink, until they passed out somewhere stupid. Jack found Henrik lying on the living room table, flat out with red solo cups scattered around him. Jack grumbled to himself as he bent down and collected up all of the cups and put them in a black bag.

No one woke up whilst he had cleaned up the majority of the mess so it was obvious that they were all going to wake up with serious hangovers. Jack would probably have laughed at them all if he hadn't been so worried about Chase.

JJ was the first to come to. He hadn't gotten passed tipsy the entire night but he still had a minor headache. He exhaled deeply as he pressed a hand into his hot forehead. Jack was quick to notice his discomfort and grabbed the silent man some medication to help him feel better. JJ gratefully took it with a tiny, forced smile. "I'm worried about Chase," Jack started to explain. JJ probably hadn't even noticed Jack's off behaviour but he really wanted to vent to someone and maybe JJ would have some advice for him. "Last night he drank. Not just a little but like... he got hammered."

JJ turned to Jack with concerned eyes. He clearly shared Jack's worry.

"I told him not to and he promised. I mean, he was kind of sarcastic about it but he knows how much we care about him. He knows not to drink too... what if it gets bad again? What if he feels like he can't talk to us and felt like he needed to escape with alcohol again?"

'That won't happen.' JJ replied with swift movements of his hands. 'He knows we love him and I can't see him choosing to drink again.'

"But for some reason he did..."

"Do we have any meds around here? My head is fucking killing me." Chase grumbled as he came downstairs, rubbing his eyes. Both Jack and JJ turned to stare at him with wide, worried eyes.

"You need to talk." Jack muttered, deciding that getting straight to the point was his best option for approaching the situation.


"Why did you drink? After I told you not to and you promised."

Chase rolled his eyes and folded his arms with a dramatic huff. "I'm a grown man. I can do what I want."

"You can't because you know how bad it can get. You're only just getting better and we can't have you relapsing again."

"I won't relapse. I just wanted to relax for one night, is that a crime?"

"No but-"

"Exactly. Now leave me alone." Chase then headed into the kitchen to grab some water and some well-needed medication. He took two tablets and downed the liquid. He then sat down on the kitchen table and balanced his head on top of his hands, staring into space. He couldn't remember anything. His memories stopped as he was placing his cup down and going into the bathroom. What had happened and how did he end up consuming so much alcohol?

He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't notice JJ walk in and take a seat opposite him. He jumped dramatically when JJ tapped his arm. 'Jack said you were with a guy last night.' Chase's eyes widened and he glanced down at his lap momentarily so that JJ couldn't see the look of surprise on his face. 'Do you remember?'

"Of course I do. I wasn't that off of my face." Chase replied, his voice filled with anger but also with nervousness.

'What did he look like then?'

"Black hair... Blue eyes..." Chase was lying rather expertly, the words coming out of his mouth without much thought. If JJ hadn't known what Aaron really looked like, he'd have bought the lie. Instead, he slowly shook his head.

'Actually he has green eyes.'

"Easy mistake." JJ raised his eyebrows and sent Chase a worried look. Chase took one look into his friend's eyes and caved in. "Okay, I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember is going to the bathroom, coming back and-" Chase's eyes widened as realisation hit him. He couldn't recall what happened but he had a fairly good idea. "Shit, where's Jack?" The kitchen chair scraped loudly against the floor as he got onto his feet but JJ grabbed his arm so that he couldn't go anywhere. JJ noticed how much the man was trembling.

'You're not leaving until you tell me what's going on.' Chase didn't listen as he struggled out of his grip and called for Jack. He found him sitting on the sofa in the living room, laptop open on his lap.

"Are you-" Jack started but Chase frantically cut him off. Jack shut his laptop and placed it to the side to show Chase that he had his full attention.

"Who was I with last night?"

"Aaron. He's an old friend, why-"

"What did we do?"

"I don't know? But I walked in on you two and I can say I am scarred for-"

"Fuck..." Chase sat down on the sofa and put his head into his hands. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He continued to repeat the profanity until Jack moved closer and wrapped an arm around him.

"I don't think you did anything. I mean, you still had your trousers on when I-"

"I didn't want to get drunk, Jack. I know I wouldn't have done it purposely. I was too worried I'd upset you or get myself back into bad habits."

"But you were absolutely wasted when I found you. You know you can be honest with me, right? I won't be angry. I just want to know if you're alright."

"I am being honest. I think someone might have spiked my drink whilst I was in the bathroom." Chase's voice had gotten so much more shakier and he had subconsciously pulled his knees to his chest to make himself as small as possible.

"And you think Aaron did it? Chase, I've known him for a long time and he's just not that type of person. He-"

"Who else would it have been? He could have-"

"He wouldn't take advantage of someone like that... would he?"

"I don't know, Jack," Chase looked up and met his friend's eyes. A tear dripped down his cheek and Jack carefully wiped it away. "I'm so fucking scared. I know I wouldn't have gotten drunk by choice."

"I know... I guess I didn't know him at all but I do believe you and I'm going to support you."

"He could- could- he could have raped me, Jack. If you hadn't walked in..." Chase was getting so worked up that a sob escaped his mouth. Jack frowned and his hand found its way onto Chase's back and he rubbed it in circles to comfort him.

"But I did. We don't need to think about the 'what if's, okay? I walked in and I stopped whatever was going on. You're safe now and he won't be able to hurt you again. We need to talk to the police."

"But- But Jack, what if he-"

"It's alright. You're safe. I'm going to protect you. You won't ever see him again."

"I'm sorry for worrying you and ruining your night..."

"You didn't ruin my night. I'm so glad I walked in on you." Jack pulled his friend close and allowed him to bury his head into his chest. Jack was going to be there for Chase, no matter what.

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