Master of Manipulation

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Description: Dark had cheated on Anti and Anti was infuriated.

TW: Implied cheating, violence, emotional manipulation, panic attacks.

Anti had been the one to make the first move. He was the one who had raised his voice. It started off a quiet confrontation until Anti had raised his voice and turned it into an argument. Anger was buzzing through his veins and lighting a fire in his core, making him scream at the highest volume possible. His form was glitching violently, on the verge of disappearing completely but still he continued to express his emotion whilst Dark just watched with his red aura dancing around him like usual.

"I don't deserve this!" Anti yelled, watching as Dark rolled his eyes. "No one deserves to be cheated on, Dark. I love you and I thought you loved me back but apparently I'm not good enough for you! You need more. You need to constantly be pleased and I'm sorry I can't do that but that's no reason to cheat!"

"Well," Dark started, getting up onto his feet and stepping right up to Anti so their chests were touching. "If you weren't such a useless, pathetic, demanding little shit, maybe you'd be enough... but all you do is demand me around all the time. I'm sick of it and maybe I needed a little break from your drama."

"The only reason I cause drama is because you hardly ever do anything right. You're so selfish. All you do is think about yourself."

"That's bullshit and you know it. I do absolutely everything for you. Who made you dinner last night? Who listened to you vent when Jack started to treat you like shit again? Who looked after you when you had software problems?"

"Those are rare occasions! I'm always doing things for you. The only reason you made dinner last night was because my meal wasn't good enough! I try to do things for you but it's never enough and you're always unhappy with whatever I do!"

"That's because you never do anything right! You're absolutely useless!" Dark had been the one to push Anti backwards so hard that he stumbled over his own feet.

"I try my best and that's all that matters!"

"I need someone better than you! Someone who treats me properly and is around when I need them. Someone who's actually worth something."

"I'm worth something!"

"No, you're not and you never were. The only reason I decided to date you was because I felt sorry for you. Someone so weak, useless, emotional and overbearing is never going to find love."

"I'm not that bad!"

"Yeah, you are. You're terrible to live with."

"Dark, I- I try-"

"You don't try enough obviously. I'm tired of you and that's why I cheated. I've decided that I need someone new that is a bit more deserving of me."

Anti's hand reached for his knife that was buried in the pocket of his jeans. He pulled it out and held it towards Dark who didn't even look remotely afraid.

"Go on then," Dark was smirking because Anti's hand was trembling so much that he couldn't keep the knife still. "Kill me... I bet you can't because you're weak and you love me so much. A demon shouldn't feel love. A demon should be cold and heartless. Anti, I dare you to do this."

"Dark- Dark, I- I-"

"Such a waste of space. Why did I ever choose to move in with you? Right, because no one is ever going to love you. All you do is annoy people and-" Dark let out a loud gasp and Anti backed up, breathing heavily. His knife was wedged deep into Dark's chest and red was covering Dark's shirt.

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