I Promise

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Description: Sharing the same creator, you'd think they all got on. For the most part, they did. Chase, JJ, Marvin and Jackieboy Man were pretty much best friends, while Henrik loitered in the middle as a neutral character to look after whoever needed help and Anti was the clear evil.

TW: Mention of past suicide attempt, depression and a little violence.

Sharing the same creator, you'd think they all got on. For the most part, they did. Chase, JJ, Marvin and Jackieboy Man were pretty much best friends, while Henrik loitered in the middle as a neutral character to look after whoever needed help and Anti was the clear evil.

Usually Anti didn't interact with the others. Despite sharing a house, he rarely came in contact with the other egos since he spent the majority of his time with his boyfriend who was a demon like him named Dark. When they did, on the odd occasion, interact, someone always came away hurt; whether that was emotionally or physically. Anti had a tendency to unnecessarily wave around his knife and snap out nasty words he (hopefully) did not mean.

Out of a sheer need to protect their friends, Marvin and Jackieboy Man would be very defensive. That's how they got themselves in this specific position.

Anti had an arm wrapped around Chase's neck but in no way was it friendly. Chase was struggling and he was finding it hard to breathe under the tight grip. Anti showed no mercy.

Marvin was muttering some things under his breath that no one could hear; not that they'd understand if it was audible. The words were another language, one most people weren't even aware existed. Sparks flew out of his hands towards the demon who just laughed in response. Jackieboy Man was trying his best not to look into Chase's desperate eyes as he curled his hand into a tight fist. He sent it flying towards Anti, hitting him right in the jaw. He gasped at the impact but didn't weaken his grip on Chase.

Henrik was watching everyone's moves, unsure of what to do. His mouth had fallen open at some point and he hadn't bothered to shut it so he looked fairly astonished. Astonished was the perfect way to describe him, as well as JJ. JJ was frightened as he hid behind the doctor, refusing to watch his best friends fight.

"No OnE wOuLd MiSs HiM." Anti said, his voice a glitch-y mess. Tears streamed down Chase's face as every word ate at him, feeding his already insecurity-ridden thoughts.

"That's a lie! We would all miss him! Let him go, Anti. You know what Marvin and I are capable of." Jackieboy Man yelled, courage laced in his tone. Anti's guard faltered a little as he awaited a rise from Marvin. He seemed surprised that no anger was apparent in the magician. In fact, no emotion was displayed in his countenance at all; he remained nothing but concentrative. Jackieboy Man was an expert at fighting crime so he was quick to notice Anti's weakened defence. He dived forward, tackling the demon to the floor. Chase immediately fell out of his grip and let out a cry, staggering forward to join JJ behind the doctor.

"YoU aLl ShOuLd GiVe Up. No OnE cArEs AbOuT yOu AnD yOu'Ll AlL bE fOrGoTtEn OnE dAy." Anti growled, flipping Jackieboy Man over with all his strength so he was in control of the fight. He had somehow gotten a knife out of his pocket at some point and the blade was suddenly against Jackieboy Man's neck. He was gasping as his hands desperately tried to hit the demon but to no avail.

Marvin's hands were shaking as he was unable to conjure up a spell strong enough to remove the knife from Anti's grip. He was trying his best but he kept stumbling on his words and, in the intense moment, he had forgotten what to say. It was all hopeless.

Until a loud bang rang out through the building. Anti's glitch-y scream was then heard as he rolled off of Jackieboy Man onto the floor, his left hand pressed into his right shoulder.

hi I uploaded a choose your own adventure story just now please check it out if you'd like to. Thanks in advance :)

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