The End.

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To that one person reading this, can you please fill out one of my forms? The link is on my profile, under conversations (it should be the second one). I must say... I only have one person and clearly that isn't enough for what I want to do. Please please please spread the word and get as many people as you can to do it! It will only take a few minutes AND you'll gain an internet friend from it. Thank you.

TW: Suicide. It's graphic so be careful. This is just a sad one shot.

"This is it..." He mumbled, trembling hands opening up the box that held the things that were going to send him away from the world in which he didn't belong. It was hard to open with such a shaky hands but eventually he managed. He had basically just emptied the medicine cabinet so he was surrounded and by medication varying from paracetamol to his own Prozac and some random sleeping pills. His antidepressants would have done the trick but he was due for a top up so didn't have enough.

He popped the pills into his hands, admiring their different shapes and sizes. He didn't pay any mind into what was what, just swallowing them together. He glanced up at the bathroom door that was shut but unable to be locked. Anyone could walk in and see him on the floor, on the verge of death but still feeling absolutely nothing at all.

He wasn't crying but that didn't surprise him. Lately he hadn't cried much, just stuck with that horrific empty feeling. Emptiness was his worst enemy. He swallowed more pills, already having lost count.

At some point, he began to hum. It was a random song, just something he had listened to earlier in the day. It was going to be the last song he listened to and he didn't mind: it was his favourite band once upon a time. Things started to get blurry but he still felt as calm as ever.

More pills.

Black dots.

More pills. More. More.

How many had he taken? Was it enough? He didn't know but he had to make sure he finished the job so he swallowed more. Surely that was enough.

His letter was next to him, the writing scruffy and almost unreadable. For a split second, he wondered who would find it. He hoped Anti. Anti would be the least sad; maybe he'd even throw a party.

His stomach growled beneath him and he gagged, bringing a hand up to his mouth. He swallowed thickly to keep the pills down. He couldn't go back now. It was way too late.

His last thoughts were about who would even care. Would they be happy? He wouldn't be a burden anymore so this was for the best really. "I finally did it." He choked out before things went completely black.

Then it was The End.

Jacksepticeye One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now