I Promise (2)

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Chase was standing in front of the doctor, his hands wrapped around a gun as his chest rapidly rose and fell. It was clear that he was panicking as the gun fell to the ground after Anti's scream was heard.  Silence lapsed in the room until the gun came in contact with the floor, the sound it made seemingly echoing around the room.

"Chase?" Marvin mumbled, the first to speak. Chase was horrified as he brought  his arms to his chest and held himself. His eyes were glistening with tears but he was in too much shock to let them fall.

"What have I  done..?" He whispered, backing away from Anti whose eyes were scrunched shut. Henrik was at his side, pressing a cloth into Anti's wound. "I-I-"  Chase couldn't continue because a sob slipped out. He clasped both hands over his mouth. When JJ placed a hand on his shoulder, he was quick to flinch away and gasp.

Henrik muttered something before picking Anti up and rushing him out of the room. He was probably being taken to Henrik's lab where he'd treat the demon and hopefully keep him alive.

Chase's legs turned to jelly as he fell to the floor and pulled his knees to his chest. He hugged them tightly, burying his head into them as he cried. His mind just kept replaying the moment when Anti had been shot and how his eyes had widened in... fear. The demon was never afraid.

"He'll be okay." Someone whispered. Chase couldn't tell who and he could barely make out their words through his loud  wails. "You only shot his shoulder and he's a demon so-"

"It doesn't matter." Chase's voice was quiet and extremely shaky. "I shot someone."

"Hey, hey, it's alright-"

"It's not... What if my kids find out? I'm such a shit role model... no wonder Stacy left and took the kids away from me."

"Don't say that. If you hadn't done that, who knows what Anti would have done to us? He could have killed me for all we know. You could have saved my life, man."

Chase stood up and didn't reply to the last comment. He just slowly made his way upstairs to his bedroom.


Anti was alive. He was breathing. His shoulder was wrapped up but he seemed okay.

Chase watched the demon as he slept, biting his lip so hard that it drew blood. He did that. He was the reason someone was laying in a hospital bed, wounded by a gun shot.  "I'm sorry," He whispered to the demon, swallowing thickly. Out of sheer habit, he lifted up his hat and ran a slow hand through his hair before placing it back on his head. "I didn't want to hurt you... I just got scared..."

"This isn't your fault, you know?" Chase jumped at the sound of another voice. He turned to see Henrik was watching him  and he had no idea how long he had been standing there. "He brought this upon himself by trying to hurt Jackie."

"No one deserves to be shot. It's fucking painful, dude." Chase looked down at his trainers, shifting his weight from one foot to another to portray how uncomfortable and upset he was.

"I know but what else could you have done? He was about to cut Jackie's throat which could have killed him."

"Why can't we just all get along for once?" Chase had become such a cry baby since Stacy had left. Even the slightest trigger set him off into heavy sobs and he wished it didn't but he couldn't help it. A tear trickled  down his cheek. "All we ever do is fight and I can't stand it. It reminds me of Stacy and how we'd scream at each other. Fighting does nothing but make the problem worse."

"I know but-"

"Nothing is an excuse for hurting people."

"You're right. We should all sit down and talk about this once Anti's awake."

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