Happy Halloween

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Chase sat in the kitchen, his trembling hands gripping onto a mug of hot chocolate. It was boiling hot against his skin but he could barely feel it beneath the numbness. On the table in front of him sat a large bowl, full of sweets. The bowl was simply plastic but he had tried to make it a little more festive with a couple of cute drawings. He didn't know why he bothered. Maybe he just wanted to use anything as a distraction.

The house was silent other than Chase's light breathing and occasional sigh. He waited for a knock on the door and a round of kids yelling the famous "trick or treat!" but all he got was a deathly silence. That time last year Chase imagined running through the sweets with his kids, complimenting everyone else's costumes. He imagined carving pumpkins and warning his kids about the danger of knives. He imagined listening to his kids ramble on and on about their favourite candies and costumes.

Not a single person had knocked and it was already eight. Chase shoved the bowl away from him spitefully and sipped at the hot chocolate. It burnt his tongue but he hardly noticed. His friends were all out, either partying or putting on shows whilst Chase sat around moping. He reached into the bowl and pulled out a packet of Haribos that would just collect dust if he didn't eat them. He opened it and poured them into his palm.

Sammy had loved Haribos. Too many made her sick but she still ate masses and masses of them. Chase glared at the green gummy bear before biting its head off. Sammy would have laughed at that.

"Happy Halloween." Chase mumbled to himself as he took another swig of his hot chocolate in an empty house whilst everybody else in the world was having fun.

This is definitely not based on me. I definitely did not doodle some stuff and sellotape it to a bowl to make it more festive. I am definitely not sitting here drinking hot chocolate right now. I am definitely not sad because my sister went out with her boyfriend and my parents watched a movie together.

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