Chapter 3

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"Veronica can you stop being a clingy drunk for literally two seconds?" Cheryl said trying to remain calm.

"Can you stop being a ginger bitch, dum dum?" Veronica sassed back.

"Did your witch the bitch headass have to embarrass me on the phone?" Cheryl says not looking at Veronica.

"Aww, does Cherry Bottom like someone?" Veronica asks almost falling while attempting at getting up.

"Whatever V. Alright, time for bed. Where's Betty and Josie?" Cheryl inquired.

"Probably downstairs drinking their lungs out," Veronica says, not making sense.

"Let's go see what they're doing you weird sex droid," Cheryl says as her and Veronica walk downstairs.

"WE'RE SOARING, FLYING, THERE'S NOT A STAR IN HEAV- OW FUCK" Veronica yells landing on her side while tripping down the stairs.

"Well, stupid ass hoe, maybe if you weren't busy singing High School Musical, you wouldn't of tripped down the stairs," Cheryl said becoming annoyed at her drunken friend.

"That's alotta damage!" Betty yells from the kitchen while drinking "water."

"Betty, shut your bitchass up and help me with V," Cheryl says picking up Veronica.

"I don't feel so good," Betty says, looking at her water. Betty turns to Josie, "is this Vodka?" Betty slurs, not able to talk properly .

"No, it's pu- apple juice," Josie says sarcastically while drinking her mix.

"Betty, you lookin' hot," Veronica says, strutting her way over to Betty. This causes Betty to blush a deep shade of red.

"Okay lovebirds, lets get you two off to bed before you both do something you'll regret," Cheryl says, breaking them up before they make out.

"Leave them alone Cheryl, Just because you don't have a love life, doesn't mean Betty and Veronica can't have one," Josie says ,leaning on the kitchen wall.

"Not like you get a good fuck Josie," Cheryl says, looking at Betty and Veronica holding hands staring at one another.

"Touché Blossom, touché. Now lets get Veronica and Betty to bed," Josie simply states.

"Ah, so now you agree with me Josie? About time you got some common sense in that small brain of yours" Cheryl says.

"Shut the hell up for literally two seconds so we can get these hoes to bed, mkay? Mkay. Glad we agree. You take Veronica's drunken ass, and I'll take Betty's drunken ass," Josie states, actually trying to help."

"Alrighty. Hey, closet monster!" Cheryl yells to Veronica.

"Huh?" Veronica asks.

"Come over here. We gotta get your ass to bed," Cheryl says while walking over to Veronica.

"Ohh, I see you. You want some of this," Veronica says, pointing up and down her body, "don't ya?"

"Never in a million years. Now lets get you up to bed," Cheryl fires back.

Cheryl then puts her arm around Veronica's waist, slowly walking up the stairs in hope that Veronica doesn't fall again. Josie is right behind them with her arm around Betty. After much struggle, Josie and Cheryl finally get Veronica and Betty up the stairs and to where they are meant to be sleeping.
They all get settled down to fall asleep, but right before Cheryl knocks out, she moans, "Toniii."

courtsandbeans is a McDeepFriedPickle

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