Chapter 17

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That monday, Cheryl's was on her way to school, when she started hearing rustling in the bushes.

"Is anyone there?" Cheryl says, loud enough so the whatever it is can hear her, after a few seconds she just turns and keeps walking.

*ring ring ring*

Cheryl's pull's out her phone to see who she's gonna decline next and see's it's Toni and smile's, she picks it right up.

"Hello TT," Cheryl breaks the ice, smirking while walking in her heels.

"Hey Cher, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing really, other than Betty and Veronica fighting every 5 seconds because they're in love with each other and just wont let it happen and I met this tall asshole at pops, what about you," Cheryl finishes, catching her breathe.

"Well I'm glad you asked Babe,"

After a few minutes of walking and talking to Toni, Cheryl sees Riverdale High and all it's glory.

"Great, another day in mis-"

Out of no where, Cheryl feels something heavy hit her on the back of the head.

"Fuck!" Cheryl blurts out before hitting the ground, head first.

"CHERYL?! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Cheryl hears Toni yelling through her phone.

"I swear I will beat the shit out of-"

Before she can finish they're kicking her nonstop, after what feels like forever, Cheryl's vision starts to get blurry, even as the kicks stop.

"CHERYL!" Is all she can hear while she sits there, trying to breathe as Toni's voice gets closer and closer.

"Help," Cheryl wheezes out as she looks at her beat up body, blood everywhere.

Just before passes out, she see's a glimmer of pink and then... Darkness.

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