Chapter 12

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3rd Person

"Where's the shot glasses, Cheryl?" Veronica asks, frantically looking through the cabinets.

"Jesus Veronica, calm down," Josie says, smoking a joint.

"Hoesie, why are you smoking that shit in my house?" Cheryl questions while walking up to Josies face.

"I thought we were hanging out? Your mom isn't even home."

"Hanging out doesn't mean smoking in my kitchen. At least open a window."

"I GOT THE SHOT GLASSES!" Veronica yells, even though she's five feet from everyone.

"Thank you V. I'll take one," Betty says, leaning over the counter.

"Alright fine, Josie pass it," Cheryl says, directing Josie with her fingers.

"Atta girl," Josie says, passing it.

"This is some shit. Betty, you're hot as fuck," Veronica says getting close to Betty's neck. While that's happening, Josie and Cheryl smoke a joint and laugh their asses off.

"When will you two date?" Josie asks Veronica slightly smirking.

"That's up to serpent queen," Veronica says, hitting a shot.

"Jesus, lets just drink-"

"And smoke," Josie adds on to Cheryl.

"Fine. Let's party bitches"

After an hour of drinking vodka and smoking weed, everyone settles down in the living room for truth of dare.

"Why does Betty go first?" Cheryl asks, genuinely curious and wondering why ponytail would go first.

"Because we're in alphabetical order by first name," Betty states, responding before anyone else could.

"Bitch, we should be going by last names you fuckin-"

"Cheryl, truth or dare?" Betty asks, ignoring her comeback.

"Stupid bitch... truth," Cheryl says. mumbling the first part.

"Do you like Toni?" Betty asks while Veronica and Josie are doing summersalts and smoking tweeds.

'Of course not! She's one of the best people I've ever talked to! She's my bestfriend, of course I don't like her like that, right?' Cheryl's mind keeps going but her mouth joins the conversation.

"Maybe," Cheryl says with her eyes going wide.

"Don't worry, your secrets safe with me. They weren't listening," Betty says pointing to Josie and Veronica. Cheryl catches her staring longingly at Veronica.

"You like her, don't you?"

"Maybe," Betty says imitating Cheryl's answer, making her laugh.

"Josie, it's your turn. Bring drunk V" Cheryl says to Josie, pointing to V doing another summersalt while smoking.

"Hey Cher," Veronica says, giving Cheryl a small smile, sitting next to Josie.

"Josie, truth or dare?" Cheryl says flustered.

"Dare," Josie says confidently.

"I dare you to surf the stairs."

"You're on."

Minutes later, Josie is decked out in pillows wrapped with ducktape while sitting in a laundry basket.

"Are you ready?" Cheryl says with both her hands on the basket.

"I think s-AAAHHHHHH!" Josie screams when Cheryl pushes the basket down the stairs.

"Gotcha bitch."


"Mother trucker dude, that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick," Josie says, laughing on the ground.

"Alright, let's clean this up."

After a few minutes, they get back to the game.

"Veronica, Truth or Dare?" Josie says slowly making Veronica nervous.


"I dare you to eat a spoon full of cinnamon,"

"Fine. I'll go grab it," Veronica says, leaving the get to the Cinnamon Challenge.

"Josie, how's your head?" Cheryl asks whilst slapping Betty in the head after she whispered something to her.

"Oh, I'm fine. How are the vixens?" Josie asks knowing she didn't make it to last practice because of Pussycats practice.

"Fine I guess. Ethel tried out and did a horrendous and disastrous job of doing the routine correctly. That's it unless you count Veronica staring at Betty the whole time like a snack," Cheryl says smirking at Betty.

"I'm back so I'm just gonna go for it," Veronica says shoving the spoonful in her mouth.

"Veronica once got in a closet drunk and dry humped a sex doll for 7 minutes straight."

*Veronica spits all the cinnamon in Josie's hair*

"WHAT THE FUCK VERONICA!" Josie shouts while running to the bathroom.

"Well, I lost. What's my punishment?" Veronica says sitting back down next to Betty.

"We'll think on it," Cheryl says this as Josie walks back in the room irritated, but with clean hair.

"Alright, back to it. Betty, Truth or Dare?"


"Do you really like Jughead?" Veronica asks, with her voice shaky.

"Yea, he's cute, smart and funny. Yea he's awesome." Betty says dreamy eyed while Veronica eyes start watering.

"Cheryl, Truth or dare?"

"Dare, I'm a Blossom," Cheryl says flipping her hair.

"I dare you to kiss Veronica."

'What about ton-' Cheryl's thought is cut off by Veronica knocking her over and cupping her pale cheek.

"Finally," Veronica says before smashing her lips on Cheryl's.

'finally? Did Veronica like me? But what about toni? I don't wanna-' Cheryl's thought were cut off again but this time by the taste of Vodka with a mix of Peppermint and indica.

'She tastes amazing. Is she enjoying this? Time to find out' Veronica thinks before pushing Cheryl's bottom lip open with her tongue making Cheryl moan.

After ten more seconds Veronica disconnects their lips and looks into Cheryl's shocked eyes.


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