icy meetings pt.1

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The snow is falling onto the ground and resting in a peaceful slumber. The moonlit sky casts shadows on the cement beneath my feet. My skates were dancing in the wind with each step I took, knocking into my leg before moving away again. I moved my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear, the ice rink that I had before me being the only thing I wanted my eyes to be fixated on. A smile crept upon my face at the sight of the empty rink, the only person in sight was myself.

I sat on a bench on the side and began to put on my skates. My fingers grabbed each lace and hooked them in their spots before tying them into two perfect bows and tucking them in. I took off my skate guards and hopped onto the ice, gliding off on the slippery ground. After a few minutes of peace I see a few people approaching the rink, one of them never lets his eyes leave me. I try to ignore them and continue to skate, doing a few jumps and twirls. Ignoring him is hard though, he's really cute.

I noticed they were busy putting on their skates so I stole a quick glance at him, taking in his features. He has dark brown hair, black jeans, a grey jacket, and the cutest floppy hat. I smiled to myself before skating again, not wanting to stare too long and get caught. I could hear them laughing at some joke before the impact of their skates hitting the ice could be heard. His friends skated past me fast, seemingly going after each other. I could hear someone slowly skating up behind me, it was him. I spun around quickly and cut him off with a smile.

"So you're stalking me, huh?" I giggled, his chocolate brown eyes looking down into my Y/E/C ones.

"N-No-" he stammered, a little unsure of what to respond.

I smile and hold out my hand for him to take, a boost of confidence taking over me. "Don't sweat it, I'm just teasing you. Care to skate?"

He smiled and took my hand, us skating side by side. We don't say much for a while. We just skate together in the snowy, dim-lit rink as his friends rush past us, patting him on the back a couple times as they'd pass by. Just as I was going to ask him the thing that I realized I didn't ask for, his name, I heard someone yell my name. I look over and see my friend, Y/F/N, holding her skates above her head.

"Y/N! What the fuck is up bitch?" She laughed before adding, "You've been here alone for probably 20 minutes and you found yourself a boyfriend?"

I groan before turning to him and giving him a sympathetic smile, him trying to stifle a laugh. "I'll be right back."

I skate over to her and step up onto the mat placed on the cement ground. I take a seat next to her on the bench and huff, she looks up and rolls her eyes before continuing to tie her skates.

"So who's mister hotty?" she asks as I gulp and scratch the back of my head uncomfortably knowing that I don't know his name yet and she isn't going to let me live that down.

"Funny story actually. I haven't gotten the chance to ask him that yet-" I close my eyes and wait for her response. I can feel her eyes burning into the side of my face. I get the courage to open my eyes and look at her. She's stuck in a glare.

"You're skating with a hot ass guy and the first thing you asked him for wasn't his name? You're such a dumbass." She began to chuckle at my stupidity and I smile.

"Hey, I was about to ask him for his name but then you showed up and decided to be loud as fuck like usual." I laughed, her shrugging it off.

"Touché." She finished tying her skates before taking her guards off and standing up. "Now get back over there and ask for his name before I do it for you."

With that, she walked off and made her way onto the ice. She is a shitty skater though so as soon as her skate made contact with the ice her feet fell from under her and she landed, ass first, on the ice. One of his friends skated over and helped her up. I was stuck sitting on the bench laughing my ass off.

"You good?" He asked her while helping her up. Of course, she nearly fell again so she instinctively clung close to his chest.

"I think so. Thanks for helping me up! I'm Y/F/N, and you are..?" She turned and gave me a death glare after asking for his name. Fair enough. I stepped onto the ice and stood behind her so she could stop clinging to him and try to get her bearings.

"I'm David, David Lambert." We both stopped and slowly made eye contact with him. Since we were finally in a decently lit area, we could make out his beautiful features. We quickly scanned the other people on the rink and could make out who they were, Maia Mitchell, Cierra Ramirez, Noah Centineo...

"You idiot. You've been skating with Noah Centineo this whole time and you never knew?!" My mouth dropped open in disbelief, my eyes never leaving him as I awkwardly let go of her back and skated over to him. I could hear her fall without me supporting her but who cares right? Noah Centineo is near me. I skate up to him and grab his hand, both of us smiling.

"My name is Y/N." I said, finally giving him a warm smile.

"Noah. Nice to meet you." I squealed a little and sadly, he heard.

"Why did you squeal?"

"What? I didn't squeal."

"Yes you did. I fully heard you squeal."

"Hmm? Must have been the wind."

"No it definitely came from you. I know that squeal. It's a-" he sighed before continuing, "a fan girl squeal."

My heart dropped and I took my hand away from his. "I didn't mean it to be weird. I'm cool like I'm totally chill, look." I skate a little ahead of him and do a quick twirl and awkwardly smile with my hands on my hips. Why? Well cause why the fuck not am I right ladies? He smiles and skates up to me, putting his arm through mine and dragging me along, backwards.

"I like you. You're funny." I could hear him laugh and I smile.

"YES GET THAT DI-." I heard Y/F/N yell and I saw David cover her mouth while laughing. I flashed her the middle finger before loosening myself from Noah's grasp and turning to skate the same way as him, I took his hand again.

"Sorry about her, she's weird." He nodded his head in understanding and laughed.

"Nah it's cool, I like her. Seems like David likes her too." We both avert our attention to the two, seeing them terribly skate around together. They are holding onto each other to try and not fall but it isn't doing very good. I turn my attention back to Noah as I feel my phone buzz.

Momma: It's 10. Time to head home.

I sigh and reply with a simple okay before skating over to the side with Noah.

"I gotta go." I say, the sadness in my voice very present.

"It's okay, I gotta go too." He replied, just as sad. We both sat down and began to undo our skates. Y/F/N came over with the rest of them and they all took off their skates as well.

"Well, I guess this is good bye." Maia says whilst standing up.

"Yup." We all say together. I feel my phone leave my hand and see Noah using it.

"I'm adding my number. Text me sometime." He winks before kissing me on the cheek and walking away.

"Bye David." Y/F/N says awkwardly causing him to giggle before kissing her cheek and leaving. They all walk away the same way they came on the dark, snowy night. Y/F/N and I make our way home, trying not to slip on the black ice hidden on the ground. The snow is falling onto our hair the same way it did on our way here. My skates were still dancing in the wind, smacking into my leg with each stride I took. We walked home in silence, still shocked at how our night panned out. Neither of us expected to skate with anyone let alone the fosters cast and none of us expected what was going to happen in the next few months.

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