stay hydrated kids

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I gasp, trying to let the sweet air enter my lungs. My eyes open wide and shut quickly, met with more water being thrown at them.

"Is this helping?" Noah screamed, tossing the bucket away. I wiped my face and stood up, still panting.

I looked at what was around me. I'm in a backyard that I recognize as being Y/F/N's. I stand up and allow my mind to recollect the stuff I temporarily forgot.

I was having a water fight with my friends and I got hit in the head with a bucket. A chuckle escaped my lips at the foolish memory and I sent my friends a smile.

"Why would you guys dump more water on me?" I coughed up some water stuck in my throat and they all shrugged.

They were all laughing at me, clearly amused at my unfortunate circumstance.  I feel a bump on my forehead and wince at the pain.

"Are you really okay?" I wiped my eyes, attempting to make myself less groggy.

"Yeah I just need some ice." Y/F/N grabbed me by the hand and pulled me inside. I sat on her couch and snuggled into it, falling asleep almost as soon as my head hit the soft surface.

Y/F/N's P.O.V-
I made my way into the kitchen to get some ice for Y/N's head. I opened my freezer and grabbed this pack of frozen peas instead because I was too lazy to put ice in a baggy and went back to the couch.

I nearly had a heart attack when I saw Y/N asleep on the couch, my instincts immediately kicking in.  Okay more like panic quickly kicked in and I ran outside to alert my friends.

"GUYS Y/N IS ASLEEP OR PASSED OUT IM NOT TOO SURE BUT SHE ISN'T AWAKE AND TALKING SO COME QUICK!" Footsteps were heard and they all came barreling inside.

"Is she dead?"

"What should we do?"

"I'm hungry."

"Let's leave her be, I'm sure she's fine."

"Can we watch a movie?"

"SHE'S BREATHING." Everyone was bickering but when Noah realized her chest rising up and down, we all shut up.

"We can't just sit here and watch her." Everyone seemed to be in agreement with what Y/F/N said. Well, everyone except for Noah and I.

"I don't want to leave her." we both said, turning to each other and smiling at the little jinx we did.

"Why don't you guys go watch a movie and we will stay with her?" Everyone nodded and slowly made their way to the basement to watch something leaving Noah and I with Y/N.

I picked up the ice that I threw on the ground when I panicked and walked over to Y/N. I placed it on her head as Noah came and put a hand on my shoulder, both of us watching her.

"You think she is okay?" He asked me, earning a sigh in response.

"Yeah. She's super strong so she'll be fine." I replied, yawning.

"You can go take a nap if you're tired. I don't mind and if she wakes up then I'll tell her you were here too." I smiled back and nodded my head.

"Okay thanks. I could use some shut eye after our all nighter last night." I laughed, giving
Y/N one last look before heading to my room to sleep.

Y/N's P.O.V-
I was running down a long, dark alley with a huge thing chasing me. I'm too scared to turn to see what it is but I can hear a loud growl from it which means it has to be close. I turn down a corner to be met with another alley that I didn't waste time running down.

They were very similar in looks, the only difference being the fact that I ran into Noah at the end of it. He just smiled down at me and held me up to the thing that was coming.

"" I screamed, panicking as the monster that I can now make out as having a huge, muscular body with a werewolf face and sharp objects as its legs and arms was approaching me.

"Stay away please!" It snarled and walked closer, pushing its sharp limbs closer to my face.

"NO! NOAH LET ME GO PLEASE! HELP!" I closed my eyes tightly and moved my face to the side, ready to be met with my untimely fate. Thankfully, I woke up.

I had sweat all over my face and I was panting to try and catch my breath. I saw Noah sitting next to me looking worried. I tried to shake off my current dead because it was just a nightmare but I couldn't seem to do it.

"Why? What? Why?" I whimpered, confused about my current reality. He just gave me the most confused look.

"What do you mean? It was a nightmare Y/N,  don't worry" He was trying to soothe me and ease my mind of the horrible dream and at first it wasn't working. However, as soon as his hand made contact with mine, I felt my worries drift away.

"You suck" I laughed as soon as I got myself comfortable and non-scared.

"Why?" He chuckled, pulling me closer to him.  I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You tried to kill me"

"Shit, how did you know?" I giggled and snuggled closer to him.

"I have a sense" We stayed silent for a while just enjoying each other's company. I could feel his heart beat going a mile and minute and I was just praying he couldn't feel mine.

"I love you" he whispered, his heart beat somehow going faster. I looked up at him in shock, unsure as to what exactly he meant. I could see the sheer fear in his eyes and I know it's stupid but I just knew what he meant. I knew what kind of love he was talking about. I felt my confidence shoot up.

"Would you go out with me Noah?" His face lit up and he flashed me his award winning smile.

"God yes. I'm glad you finally asked because I was never getting the balls to do it!"

I giggled and pulled him in for a quick kiss before resting my head on his shoulder once again and allowing my eyes to flutter closed. Hopefully this time Noah will actually save me from the monster instead of feeding me to it.

A/N: ew this one is actually shitty sorry. Also sorry that I haven't uploaded lots I've just been really busy. Thanks for sticking around! Love ya

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