sex to my ears

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A/N: this isn't smut y'all. get ur minds outta the gutter lol

Request for @bandsbongsandfics !

I made my way through the store enjoying every bit of it. The pianos, guitars, drums, it's all so amazing to me. I smiled to myself and entered the back room that held all of their acoustic guitars. The room was soundproof so you could play as loud as you'd like and nobody outside would hear you.

I walked all the way to the back and admired this one guitar that I've been wanting for a while now. It was just a simple acoustic but you could customize it. I wanted to put something funky on it.

I ran my fingers along the strings just as I heard some angelic strumming coming from somewhere in the room. I removed my hand and quietly made my way through the room until I found him.

He was sitting on a stool with a guitar on his lap, playing so skillfully with the least amount of effort. He was humming a tune and had his eyes shut, enjoying the music he was making.

He was gorgeous. The way his hair was flopped on his head in a simple mess, his jawline was sharp but not too sharp, his little smile and dimples. He And the fact that he can play just makes him all the more attractive. I shut my eyes and smiled, enjoying his playing.

"Hello there." He whispered, his voice coming out raspy and quiet over the guitar.  I kept my eyes closed and smiled wider.

"Hi. You play beautifully."  I could hear him lightly chuckle and I felt a blush creep upon my cheeks.

"Thank you." He was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "I'm Noah, you are?"

"Mia. Now shush, I wanna hear you play." I giggled, opening my eyes and moving towards him to take a seat beside the stool. Once seated, I shut my eyes again and rested my head on his leg.

It might be weird to be this close to a stranger and it is pretty weird. But he makes me feel comfortable in some strange way.  I heard him stop playing and put his hand on my head.

"You get comfortable quick." He joked, rubbing my head gently.

"What can I say? Your music entraps my heart." I sat up and looked at him, putting my hand on my heart.

"Your turn. Show me what you got!" He handed me the guitar and I hesitantly took it. I put my hands on the strings and began to play a little tune, singing along with it.

"Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you-"

"WHAT?! OH MY GOD- ahem I mean, wow. That was uh-that was pretty good." My cheeks blushed again from embarrassment and I looked down.

"Shut up. It was just a little something something. Nothing compared to your talent." I cooed, trying to compliment him without sounding like a complete creep.

"A little "something something" my ass. That was a big something something! C'mon, I have a little set up at my house. We're gonna go record stuff."  He grabbed my hand and the guitar, put it back in its place, and dragged me out of the store.

2 years later

So I know that it's dumb to just follow some random guy who I just met at a music shop but if I didn't follow him that day then I wouldn't be here, in his house watching netflix.

I turned to him and smiled, enjoying his presence in my life. To say I've developed a crush on him is a HUGE understatement. I had a little crush on him the day that I met him. Now, I have stronger feelings. Feelings like love.

I have to work to control my heartbeat around him because it gets out of control when I'm with him. Even now, we're sitting on opposite ends on his couch but my heart is still going crazy.

"You should take a picture, it will last longer." I blushed and looked away quickly.

"Sorry." I mumbled, ignoring the fact that I could see him smiling at me through the corner of my eye.

"You know what? This movie is so boring." He grabbed the remote and turned the movie off, moving his body to face me.

"Noah! This movie is so good! We have to find out if Peter Kavinsky really likes LJ or Gen!" I groaned, pointing to the tv before looking at him, slightly annoyed. Those feelings went away quick though, I could never stay mad at him.

"I have to tell you something that is more important than this movie." He ran his hands down his pant legs to wipe off the sweat and looked down at his lap.

I slowly moved closer to him, sensing his nerves and trying to ease them. I put my hand on top of his and could see him visibly relax.

"You have to promise this won't ruin our relationship." He whispered, quickly looking up at me before looking down again.

"Noah, you could never do anything to ruin our relationship. I love you long time." My heart beat picked up the more I waited for him to tell me what's going on.  He took a deep breath before speaking.

"Okay so the day we first met, I knew you were special. I mean, you were comfortable to lean on me without even knowing me! You're the best type of person, always making sure other people are okay over yourself. You are the most musically talented person I know. I could go on and on but I'm gonna cut it short so I don't take too much time-" I gave his hand a light squeeze to try and relax him some more. He did.

"I've tried to suppress what I'm feeling for a while now but I can't do it anymore. Mia, I really really like you. Actually no, I fucking love  you Mia, more than friends."

My heart was thumping so loud I would be surprised if he didn't hear it.  I smiled and brought my hands to his cheeks, confidence taking over me.

"I love you too, as more than friends." I whispered, pulling him in for a kiss.

His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. I moved my hands to his hair and tugged a little, eliciting a moan from his lips. His tongue ran along my bottom lip to ask for entrance but I pulled away with a smirk on my lips.

"You suck." He pouted. I kissed him on the nose.

"Later babe.  I wanna finish this movie first." I winked, turning around so I was lying in his lap to face the tv before turning the movie on again.

"Babe huh? I like it." I heard him whisper to himself. I decided not to reply and just let him have his little moment.

I smiled to myself and wrapped his arms tighter around me, snuggling my head into his chest and sighing in content. I should have told him how I felt long ago, this feels so nice.

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